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Various utility functionality…


tensorproductCalculate tensor product.
random_unitaryGenerate a random unitary matrix with size NxN.
random_h2_bodyGenerate a random two body integrals.
random_h1_bodyGenerate a random one body integrals.
random_hermitianGenerate random hermitian (sparse) matrix with given properties.
random_non_hermitianGenerate random (sparse) matrix with given properties (singular values).
decimal_to_binarydecimal to binary
summarize_circuitsSummarize circuits based on QuantumCircuit, and five metrics are summarized.
get_subsystem_density_matrixCompute the reduced density matrix of a quantum subsystem.
get_subsystems_countsExtract all subsystems’ counts from the single complete system count dictionary.
get_entangler_mapUtility method to get an entangler map among qubits.
validate_entangler_mapValidate a user supplied entangler map and converts entries to ints.
get_feature_dimensionCheck feature dimension of a given dataset
get_num_classesCheck number of classes in a given dataset
split_dataset_to_data_and_labelsSplit dataset to data and labels numpy array
map_label_to_class_nameHelper converts labels (numeric) to class name (string)
reduce_dim_to_via_pcaReduce the data dimension via pca
optimize_svmSolving quadratic programming problem for SVM; thus, some constraints are fixed.
CircuitFactoryBase class for CircuitFactories
has_ibmqCheck if IBMQ is installed
has_aercheck if Aer is installed
name_argsDecorator to convert unnamed arguments to named ones.
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