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get_entangler_map(map_type, num_qubits, offset=0)


Utility method to get an entangler map among qubits.


  • map_type (str) – ‘full’ entangles each qubit with all the subsequent ones ‘linear’ entangles each qubit with the next ‘sca’ (shifted circular alternating entanglement) is a circular entanglement where the ‘long’ entanglement is shifted by one position every block and every block the role or control/target qubits alternate
  • num_qubits (int) – Number of qubits for which the map is needed
  • offset (int) – Some map_types (e.g. ‘sca’) can shift the gates in the entangler map by the specified integer offset.


A map of qubit index to an array of indexes to which this should be entangled

Return type



ValueError – if map_type is not valid.

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