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split_dataset_to_data_and_labels(dataset, class_names=None)


Split dataset to data and labels numpy array

If class_names is given, use the desired label to class name mapping, or create the mapping based on the keys in the dataset.


  • dataset (dict) – {‘A’: numpy.ndarray, ‘B’: numpy.ndarray, …}
  • class_names (dict) – class name of dataset, {class_name: label}


List contains two arrays of numpy.ndarray type where the array at index 0 is data, an NxD array, and at index 1 it is labels, an Nx1 array, containing values in range 0 to K-1, where K is the number of classes. The dict is a map {str: int}, mapping class name to label. The tuple of list, dict is returned when class_names is not None, otherwise just the list is returned.

Return type

Union(tuple(list, dict), list)


KeyError – data set invalid

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