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optimize_svm(kernel_matrix, y, scaling=None, maxiter=500, show_progress=False, max_iters=None, lambda2=0.001)


Solving quadratic programming problem for SVM; thus, some constraints are fixed.


  • kernel_matrix (ndarray) – NxN array
  • y (ndarray) – Nx1 array
  • scaling (Optional[float]) – the scaling factor to renormalize the y, if it is None, use L2-norm of y for normalization
  • maxiter (int) – number of iterations for QP solver
  • show_progress (bool) – showing the progress of QP solver
  • max_iters (Optional[int]) – Deprecated, use maxiter.
  • lambda2 (float) – L2 Norm regularization factor


Sx1 array, where S is the number of supports np.ndarray: Sx1 array, where S is the number of supports np.ndarray: Sx1 array, where S is the number of supports

Return type



MissingOptionalLibraryError – If cvxpy is not installed

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