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What's new in the docs?

Since the start of the year, the documentation has undergone many user-facing improvements, including content updates and new features. Many of these changes are a result of specific user requests! Check out the highlights below, and visit our documentation here.


New pages

Qiskit SDK 1.0 content

Qiskit Runtime primitives V2 content

New API reference features

  • API reference source code links - look for the link labeled GitHub near the top of each page
  • Switch between dev versions (for the Qiskit SDK and Qiskit Runtime API docs) using the version switcher
  • A warning banner appears when you are viewing an older version of the docs

A huge thank you goes out to everyone in the open-source community who contributed and gave feedback! Please open an issue if you find a bug, have a suggestion, or want to share your experience.

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Report a bug or request content on GitHub.