Two new IBM Quantum blogs
The first IBM Quantum™ blog post of the year takes a look back at some of the amazing tools released in 2024 that help make quantum software development easier and more accessible than ever before. The blog provides recaps of major releases from last year, including Qiskit v1.x, Qiskit addons, Qiskit Transpiler Service, and more - all with code examples and documentation links to help readers get started using them.
Blog: A year of simplifying quantum software development tools with Qiskit
Next, read how dynamic circuits can enable remarkably efficient long-range entanglement between qubits in a quantum chip. The method was first demonstrated by IBM® researchers via a recent paper published in PRX Quantum, and the researchers behind it say their technique could greatly enhance the level of complexity we can represent in quantum circuits through qubit entanglement. The blog explores the power of dynamic circuits and explains how the new method differs from traditional approaches for establishing entanglement between qubits that are not directly connected to each other.
Blog: Using dynamic circuits to efficiently implement quantum states with long-range entanglement