Manage Qiskit Serverless compute and data resources
Qiskit Serverless allows you to manage compute and data across your Qiskit pattern, including CPUs, QPUs, and other compute accelerators.
Parallel workflows
For classical tasks that can be parallelized, use the @distribute_task
decorater to define compute requirements needed to perform a task. Start by recalling the
example from the Write your first Qiskit Serverless program topic:
# /source_files/
from qiskit.transpiler.preset_passmanagers import generate_preset_pass_manager
from qiskit_serverless import distribute_task
@distribute_task(target={"cpu": 1})
def transpile_remote(circuit, optimization_level, backend):
"""Transpiles an abstract circuit into an ISA circuit for a given backend."""
pass_manager = generate_preset_pass_manager(
isa_circuit =
return isa_circuit
In this example, you decorated the transpile_remote()
method with @distribute_task(target={"cpu": 1})
. When run, this creates an asynchronous parallel worker task with a single CPU core, and returns with a reference to track the worker. To fetch the result, pass the reference to the get()
from qiskit_serverless import get
transpile_worker_reference = transpile_remote(circuit, optimization_level, backend)
result = get(transpile_worker_reference)
You can also create and run multiple parallel tasks as follows:
transpile_worker_references = [
transpile_remote(circuit, optimization_level, backend)
for circuit in circuit_list
results = get(transpile_worker_references)
Explore different task configurations
You can flexibly allocate CPU, GPU, and memory for your tasks via @distribute_task()
. For Qiskit Serverless on IBM Quantum™ Platform, each program is equipped with 16 CPU cores and 32 GB RAM, which can be allocated dynamically as needed.
CPU cores can be allocated as full CPU cores, or even fractional allocations, as shown in the following.
Memory is allocated in number of bytes. Recall that there are 1024 bytes in a kilobyte, 1024 kilobytes in a megabyte, and 1024 megabytes in a gigabyte. To allocate 2 GB of memory for your worker, you need to allocate "mem": 2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
"cpu": 16,
"mem": 32 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
def transpile_remote(circuit, optimization_level, backend):
return None
Automatic QPU selection
This example demonstrates how to use IBMQPUSelector
to automate the process of selecting which qubits to use from a set of available QPUs. Instead of manually selecting a QPU, Qiskit Serverless automatically allocates a QPU according to desired criteria. IBMQPUSelector
s are imported from server-side qiskit_serverless_tools.selectors
modules, and must be invoked from your uploaded program.
Here, IBMLeastNoisyQPUSelector
finds the QPU that yields the least-noisy qubit subgraph for the input circuit, from among the QPUs available to you through your IBM Quantum account.
For each IBMQPUSelector
, the context is set in the constructor. All IBMQPUSelectors
require Qiskit Runtime credentials. The IBMLeastNoisyQPUSelector
requires a circuit and transpile options specifying how the circuit should be optimized for each QPU, to determine the most optimal QPU and qubit layout.
All IBMQPUSelectors
implement a get_backend
method, which retrieves the optimal QPU with respect to the given context. The get_backend
method also allows for additional filtering of the QPUs. It is implemented using the same interface as the QiskitRuntimeService.backends method.
# source_files/
from qiskit_ibm_runtime import QiskitRuntimeService
from qiskit.circuit.random import random_circuit
from qiskit_serverless_tools.selectors import IBMLeastNoisyQPUSelector
service = QiskitRuntimeService(channel='ibm_quantum', token=API_TOKEN)
abstract_circuit = random_circuit(
num_qubits=100, depth=4, measure=True
selector = IBMLeastNoisyQPUSelector(
service, circuit=abstract_circuit, transpile_options={"optimization_level": 3}
backend = selector.get_backend(min_num_qubits=127)
target_circuit = selector.optimized_circuit
You can also use the IBMLeastBusyQPUSelector
to find a QPU that can support the circuit width but with the shortest queue.
# source_files/
from qiskit.transpiler.preset_passmanagers import generate_preset_pass_manager
from qiskit_serverless_tools.selectors import IBMLeastBusyQPUSelector
backend = IBMLeastBusyQPUSelector(service).get_backend(min_num_qubits=127)
pm = generate_preset_pass_manager(optimization_level=3, backend=backend)
target_circuit =
Manage data across your program
Qiskit Serverless allows you to manage files in the /data
directory across all your programs. This includes several limitations:
- Only
files are supported today - This is only a flat
storage, and cannot have/data/folder/
The following shows how to upload files. Be sure you have authenticated to Qiskit Serverless with your IBM Quantum account (see Deploy to IBM Quantum Platform for instructions).
[8] :import tarfile
# Create a tar
filename = "transpile_demo.tar"
file =,"w")
# Upload the tar to Serverless data directory
Next, you can list all the files in your data
directory. This data is accessible to all programs.
This can be done from a program by using file_download()
to download the file to the program environment, and uncompressing the tar
import tarfile
files = serverless.files()
demo_file = files[0]
downloaded_tar = serverless.file_download(demo_file)
with, 'r') as tar:
100%|██████████| 10.2k/10.2k [00:00<00:00, 10.0MiB/s]
At this point, your program can interact with the files, as you would a local experiment. file_upload()
, file_download()
, and file_delete()
can be called from your local experiment, or your uploaded program, for consistent and flexible data management.
Next steps
- See a full example that ports existing code to Qiskit Serverless .
- Read a paper in which researchers used Qiskit Serverless and quantum-centric supercomputing to explore quantum chemistry.