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IBM Quantum Provider


Modules representing the IBM Quantum Provider.


The IBM Quantum Provider uses the qiskit.providers.ibmq logger.

Two environment variables can be used to control the logging:

  • QISKIT_IBMQ_PROVIDER_LOG_LEVEL: Specifies the log level to use, for the ibmq-provider modules. If an invalid level is set, the log level defaults to WARNING. The valid log levels are DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, and CRITICAL (case-insensitive). If the environment variable is not set, then the parent logger’s level is used, which also defaults to WARNING.
  • QISKIT_IBMQ_PROVIDER_LOG_FILE: Specifies the name of the log file to use. If specified, messages will be logged to the file only. Otherwise messages will be logged to the standard error (usually the screen).

For more advanced use, you can modify the logger itself. For example, to manually set the level to WARNING:

import logging


least_busy(backends[, reservation_lookahead])Return the least busy backend from a list.


AccountProvider(credentials, factory)Provider for a single IBM Quantum Experience account.
BackendJobLimit(maximum_jobs, running_jobs, …)Job limit for a backend.
IBMQBackend(configuration, provider, …)Backend class interfacing with an IBM Quantum Experience device.
IBMQBackendService(provider)Backend namespace for an IBM Quantum Experience account provider.
IBMQFactory()Factory and account manager for IBM Quantum Experience.
RunnerResult(backend_name, backend_version, …)Result class for Qiskit Runtime program circuit-runner.


IBMQError(*message)Base class for errors raised by the provider modules.
IBMQAccountError(*message)Base class for errors raised by account management.
IBMQAccountCredentialsNotFound(*message)Errors raised when credentials are not found.
IBMQAccountCredentialsInvalidFormat(*message)Errors raised when the credentials format is invalid.
IBMQAccountCredentialsInvalidToken(*message)Errors raised when an IBM Quantum Experience token is invalid.
IBMQAccountCredentialsInvalidUrl(*message)Errors raised when an IBM Quantum Experience URL is invalid.
IBMQAccountMultipleCredentialsFound(*message)Errors raised when multiple credentials are found.
IBMQBackendError(*message)Base class for errors raised by the backend modules.
IBMQBackendApiError(*message)Errors that occur unexpectedly when querying the server.
IBMQBackendApiProtocolError(*message)Errors raised when an unexpected value is received from the server.
IBMQBackendValueError(*message)Value errors raised by the backend modules.
IBMQProviderError(*message)Errors related to provider handling.
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