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class IBMQBackendService(provider)


Bases: object

Backend namespace for an IBM Quantum Experience account provider.

Represent a namespace that provides backend related services for the IBM Quantum Experience backends available to this provider. An instance of this class is used as a callable attribute to the AccountProvider class. This allows a convenient way to query for all backends or to access a specific backend:

backends = provider.backends()  # Invoke backends() to get the backends.
sim_backend = provider.backend.ibmq_qasm_simulator  # Get a specific backend instance.

Also, you are able to retrieve jobs from a provider without specifying the backend name. For example, to retrieve the ten most recent jobs you have submitted, regardless of the backend they were submitted to, you could do:

most_recent_jobs =

It is also possible to retrieve a single job without specifying the backend name:

job = provider.backend.retrieve_job(<JOB_ID>)

IBMQBackendService constructor.


provider (AccountProvider) – IBM Quantum Experience account provider.



IBMQBackendService.backends(name=None, filters=None, timeout=None, min_num_qubits=None, input_allowed=None, **kwargs)

Return all backends accessible via this provider, subject to optional filtering.


  • name (Optional[str]) – Backend name to filter by.

  • filters (Optional[Callable[[List[IBMQBackend]], bool]]) –

    More complex filters, such as lambda functions. For example:

        filters=lambda b: b.configuration().quantum_volume > 16)
  • timeout (Optional[float]) – Maximum number of seconds to wait for the discovery of remote backends.

  • min_num_qubits (Optional[int]) – Minimum number of qubits the backend has to have.

  • input_allowed (Union[str, List[str], None]) – Filter by the types of input the backend supports. Valid input types are job (circuit job) and runtime (Qiskit Runtime). For example, inputs_allowed='runtime' will return all backends that support Qiskit Runtime. If a list is given, the backend must support all types specified in the list.

  • kwargs (Any) –

    Simple filters that specify a True/False criteria in the backend configuration, backends status, or provider credentials. An example to get the operational backends with 5 qubits:

    AccountProvider.backends(n_qubits=5, operational=True)

Return type



The list of available backends that match the filter.

jobs, skip=0, backend_name=None, status=None, job_name=None, start_datetime=None, end_datetime=None, job_tags=None, job_tags_operator='OR', experiment_id=None, descending=True, db_filter=None)

Return a list of jobs, subject to optional filtering.

Retrieve jobs that match the given filters and paginate the results if desired. Note that the server has a limit for the number of jobs returned in a single call. As a result, this function might involve making several calls to the server.


  • limit (int) – Number of jobs to retrieve.

  • skip (int) – Starting index for the job retrieval.

  • backend_name (Optional[str]) – Name of the backend to retrieve jobs from.

  • status (Union[JobStatus, str, List[Union[JobStatus, str]], None]) – Only get jobs with this status or one of the statuses. For example, you can specify status=JobStatus.RUNNING or status=”RUNNING” or status=[“RUNNING”, “ERROR”]

  • job_name (Optional[str]) – Filter by job name. The job_name is matched partially and regular expressions can be used.

  • start_datetime (Optional[datetime]) – Filter by the given start date, in local time. This is used to find jobs whose creation dates are after (greater than or equal to) this local date/time.

  • end_datetime (Optional[datetime]) – Filter by the given end date, in local time. This is used to find jobs whose creation dates are before (less than or equal to) this local date/time.

  • job_tags (Optional[List[str]]) – Filter by tags assigned to jobs.

  • job_tags_operator (Optional[str]) –

    Logical operator to use when filtering by job tags. Valid values are “AND” and “OR”:

    • If “AND” is specified, then a job must have all of the tags specified in job_tags to be included.
    • If “OR” is specified, then a job only needs to have any of the tags specified in job_tags to be included.
  • experiment_id (Optional[str]) – Filter by job experiment ID.

  • descending (bool) – If True, return the jobs in descending order of the job creation date (i.e. newest first) until the limit is reached.

  • db_filter (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) –

    A loopback-based filter. This is an interface to a database where filter. Some examples of its usage are:

    Filter last five jobs with errors:

    job_list =, status=JobStatus.ERROR)

    Filter last five jobs with hub name ibm-q:

    filter = {'': 'ibm-q'}
    job_list =, db_filter=filter)

Return type



A list of IBMQJob instances.


  • IBMQBackendValueError – If a keyword value is not recognized.
  • TypeError – If the input start_datetime or end_datetime parameter value is not valid.



Return your upcoming reservations.

Return type



A list of your upcoming reservations.



Return a single job.


job_id (str) – The ID of the job to retrieve.

Return type



The job with the given id.


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