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Chemistry specific Aqua algorithms


These are chemistry specific algorithms for Aqua. As they rely on chemistry specific knowledge and/or function they are here in chemistry rather than in Aqua.

Chemistry Algorithms

These are algorithms configured and/or functioning using chemistry specific knowledge. See also the Aqua algorithms for other algorithms in these categories which may also be used for chemistry problems such as VQE.


Algorithms that can find the eigenvalues of an operator, i.e. excited states for chemistry.

DEPRECATED See the Excited States Solvers section below

QEomVQEQEomVQE algorithm
QEomEEQEomEE algorithm (classical)

Excited State Solvers

Algorithms that can find the eigenvalues of an operator, i.e. excited states for chemistry.

The interface for such solvers,

ExcitedStatesSolverThe excited states calculation interface

the solvers themselves

ExcitedStatesEigensolverThe calculation of excited states via an Eigensolver algorithm
QEOMThe calculation of excited states via the qEOM algorithm

and factories to provision Quantum and/or Classical algorithms upon which the above solvers may depend

EigensolverFactoryA factory to construct a eigensolver based on a qubit operator transformation.
NumPyEigensolverFactoryA factory to construct a NumPyEigensolver.

Ground State Solvers

Algorithms that can find the minimum eigenvalue of an operator, i.e. ground state for chemistry.

The interface for such solvers,

GroundStateSolverThe ground state calculation interface

the solvers themselves

AdaptVQEA ground state calculation employing the AdaptVQE algorithm.
GroundStateEigensolverGround state computation using a minimum eigensolver.
OrbitalOptimizationVQEA ground state calculation employing the OOVQE algorithm.

and factories to provision Quantum and/or Classical algorithms upon which the above solvers may depend

MinimumEigensolverFactoryA factory to construct a minimum eigensolver based on a qubit operator transformation.
NumPyMinimumEigensolverFactoryA factory to construct a NumPyMinimumEigensolver.
VQEUCCSDFactoryA factory to construct a VQE minimum eigensolver with UCCSD ansatz wavefunction.
VQEUVCCSDFactoryA factory to construct a VQE minimum eigensolver with UVCCSD ansatz wavefunction.

Minimum Eigensolvers

Algorithms that can find the minimum eigenvalue of an operator, i.e. ground state for chemistry.

DEPRECATED See the Ground State Solvers section above


Potential Energy Surface Samplers

Algorithms that can compute potential energy surfaces.

BOPESSamplerClass to evaluate the Born-Oppenheimer Potential Energy Surface (BOPES).

The samplers include extrapolators to facilitate convergence across a set of points and support of various potentials. More detail may be found in the sub-module linked below

pes_samplersPotential energy surface samplers (qiskit.chemistry.algorithms.pes_samplers)
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