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This page is from an old version of Qiskit SDK and does not exist in the latest version. We recommend you migrate to the latest version. See the release notes for more information.

Legacy Operators


These are the Operators provided by Aqua up until the 0.6 release. These are being replaced by the operator flow function and we encourage you to use this.


At some future time this legacy operator logic will be deprecated and removed.

Legacy Operators

LegacyBaseOperatorOperators relevant for quantum applications.
WeightedPauliOperatorWeighted Pauli Operator
TPBGroupedWeightedPauliOperatorTPB Grouped Weighted Pauli Operator
MatrixOperatorOperators relevant for quantum applications

Legacy Operator support

evolution_instructionConstruct the evolution circuit according to the supplied specification.
suzuki_expansion_slice_pauli_listCompute the list of pauli terms for a single slice of the suzuki expansion following the paper
pauli_measurementAdd the proper post-rotation gate on the circuit.
measure_pauli_zAppropriate post-rotations on the state are assumed.
covarianceCompute the covariance matrix element between two Paulis, given the measurement outcome.
row_echelon_F2Computes the row Echelon form of a binary matrix on the binary finite field
kernel_F2Computes the kernel of a binary matrix on the binary finite field
commutatorCompute commutator of op_a and op_b or the symmetric double commutator of op_a, op_b and op_c.
check_commutativityCheck the (anti-)commutativity between two operators.
PauliGraphPauli Graph.
Z2SymmetriesZ2 Symmetries
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