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evolution_instruction(pauli_list, evo_time, num_time_slices, controlled=False, power=1, use_basis_gates=True, shallow_slicing=False, barrier=False)


Construct the evolution circuit according to the supplied specification.


  • pauli_list (list([[complex, Pauli]])) – The list of pauli terms corresponding to a single time slice to be evolved
  • evo_time (Union(complex, float, Parameter, ParameterExpression)) – The evolution time
  • num_time_slices (int) – The number of time slices for the expansion
  • controlled (bool, optional) – Controlled circuit or not
  • power (int, optional) – The power to which the unitary operator is to be raised
  • use_basis_gates (bool, optional) – boolean flag for indicating only using basis gates when building circuit.
  • shallow_slicing (bool, optional) – boolean flag for indicating using shallow reference repetition for slicing
  • barrier (bool, optional) – whether or not add barrier for every slice


The Instruction corresponding to specified evolution.

Return type



  • AquaError – power must be an integer and greater or equal to 1
  • ValueError – Unrecognized pauli
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