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class PhaseEstimationCircuit(operator=None, state_in=None, iqft=None, num_time_slices=1, num_ancillae=1, expansion_mode='trotter', expansion_order=1, evo_time=6.283185307179586, state_in_circuit_factory=None, unitary_circuit_factory=None, shallow_circuit_concat=False, pauli_list=None)


Quantum Phase Estimation Circuit.


  • operator (Optional[WeightedPauliOperator]) – the hamiltonian Operator object
  • state_in (Optional[InitialState]) – the InitialState component
  • the initial quantum state (representing) –
  • iqft (Optional[QuantumCircuit]) – the Inverse Quantum Fourier Transform as circuit or Aqua component
  • num_time_slices (int) – the number of time slices
  • num_ancillae (int) – the number of ancillary qubits to use for the measurement
  • expansion_mode (str) – the expansion mode (trotter|suzuki)
  • expansion_order (int) – the suzuki expansion order
  • evo_time (float) – the evolution time
  • state_in_circuit_factory (Optional[CircuitFactory]) – the initial state represented by a CircuitFactory object
  • unitary_circuit_factory (Optional[CircuitFactory]) – the problem unitary represented by a CircuitFactory object
  • shallow_circuit_concat (bool) – indicate whether to use shallow (cheap) mode for circuit concatenation
  • pauli_list (Optional[List[Pauli]]) – the flat list of paulis for the operator


AquaError – Missing input


__init__(operator=None, state_in=None, iqft=None, num_time_slices=1, num_ancillae=1, expansion_mode='trotter', expansion_order=1, evo_time=6.283185307179586, state_in_circuit_factory=None, unitary_circuit_factory=None, shallow_circuit_concat=False, pauli_list=None)


  • operator (Optional[WeightedPauliOperator]) – the hamiltonian Operator object
  • state_in (Optional[InitialState]) – the InitialState component
  • the initial quantum state (representing) –
  • iqft (Optional[QuantumCircuit]) – the Inverse Quantum Fourier Transform as circuit or Aqua component
  • num_time_slices (int) – the number of time slices
  • num_ancillae (int) – the number of ancillary qubits to use for the measurement
  • expansion_mode (str) – the expansion mode (trotter|suzuki)
  • expansion_order (int) – the suzuki expansion order
  • evo_time (float) – the evolution time
  • state_in_circuit_factory (Optional[CircuitFactory]) – the initial state represented by a CircuitFactory object
  • unitary_circuit_factory (Optional[CircuitFactory]) – the problem unitary represented by a CircuitFactory object
  • shallow_circuit_concat (bool) – indicate whether to use shallow (cheap) mode for circuit concatenation
  • pauli_list (Optional[List[Pauli]]) – the flat list of paulis for the operator


AquaError – Missing input


__init__([operator, state_in, iqft, …])type operatorOptional[WeightedPauliOperator]
construct_circuit([state_register, …])Construct the Phase Estimation circuit


ancillary_registerreturns ancillary register
auxiliary_registerreturns auxiliary register
state_registerreturns state register


returns ancillary register


returns auxiliary register


construct_circuit(state_register=None, ancillary_register=None, auxiliary_register=None, measurement=False)

Construct the Phase Estimation circuit


  • state_register (QuantumRegister) – the optional register to use for the quantum state
  • ancillary_register (QuantumRegister) – the optional register to use for
  • ancillary measurement qubits (the) –
  • auxiliary_register (QuantumRegister) – an optional auxiliary quantum register
  • measurement (bool) – Boolean flag to indicate if measurement should be included
  • the circuit. (in) –


the QuantumCircuit object for the constructed circuit

Return type



  • RuntimeError – Multiple identity pauli terms are present
  • ValueError – invalid mode


returns state register

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