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qiskit.visualization.pass_manager_drawer(pass_manager, filename=None, style=None, raw=False)


Draws the pass manager.

This function needs pydot, which in turn needs Graphviz to be installed.


  • pass_manager (PassManager) – the pass manager to be drawn
  • filename (str) – file path to save image to
  • style (dict or OrderedDict) – keys are the pass classes and the values are the colors to make them. An example can be seen in the DEFAULT_STYLE. An ordered dict can be used to ensure a priority coloring when pass falls into multiple categories. Any values not included in the provided dict will be filled in from the default dict
  • raw (Bool) – True if you want to save the raw Dot output not an image. The default is False.


an in-memory representation of the pass manager. Or None if no image was generated or PIL is not installed.

Return type

PIL.Image or None



from qiskit import QuantumCircuit
from qiskit.transpiler import generate_preset_pass_manager
from qiskit.visualization import pass_manager_drawer
pm = generate_preset_pass_manager(optimization_level=0)
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