class qiskit.circuit.library.iqp(interactions)
Instantaneous quantum polynomial time (IQP) circuit.
The circuit consists of a column of Hadamard gates, a column of powers of T gates, a sequence of powers of CS gates (up to of them), and a final column of Hadamard gates, as introduced in [1].
The circuit is parameterized by an interactions matrix. The powers of each T gate are given by the diagonal elements of the interactions matrix. The powers of the CS gates are given by the upper triangle of the interactions matrix.
Reference Circuit:

Expanded Circuit:
[1] M. J. Bremner et al. Average-case complexity versus approximate simulation of commuting quantum computations, Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 080501 (2016). arXiv:1504.07999
interactions (Sequence[Sequence[int]]) – The interactions as symmetric square matrix. If None
, then the num_qubits
argument must be set and a random IQP circuit will be generated.
An IQP circuit.
Return type