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class qiskit.opflow.evolutions.EvolutionBase


Bases: ConverterBase, ABC

Deprecated: A base for Evolution converters. Evolutions are converters which traverse an Operator tree, replacing any EvolvedOp e with a Schrodinger equation-style evolution CircuitOp equalling or approximating the matrix exponential of -i * the Operator contained inside (e.primitive). The Evolutions are essentially implementations of Hamiltonian Simulation algorithms, including various methods for Trotterization.

Deprecated since version 0.24.0

The class qiskit.opflow.evolutions.evolution_base.EvolutionBase is deprecated as of qiskit-terra 0.24.0. It will be removed in the Qiskit 1.0 release. For code migration guidelines, visit



abstract convert(operator)

Traverse the operator, replacing any EvolutionOps with their equivalent evolution CircuitOps.


operator: The Operator to convert.


The converted Operator, with EvolutionOps replaced by CircuitOps.

Return type


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