Circuit Synthesis
Evolution Synthesis
EvolutionSynthesis () | Interface for evolution synthesis algorithms. |
ProductFormula (order[, reps, ...]) | Product formula base class for the decomposition of non-commuting operator exponentials. |
LieTrotter ([reps, insert_barriers, ...]) | The Lie-Trotter product formula. |
SuzukiTrotter ([order, reps, ...]) | The (higher order) Suzuki-Trotter product formula. |
MatrixExponential () | Exact operator evolution via matrix exponentiation and unitary synthesis. |
QDrift ([reps, insert_barriers, ...]) | The QDrift Trotterization method, which selects each each term in the Trotterization randomly, with a probability proportional to its weight. |
Linear Function Synthesis
qiskit.synthesis.synth_cnot_count_full_pmh(state, section_size=2)
Synthesize linear reversible circuits for all-to-all architecture using Patel, Markov and Hayes method.
This function is an implementation of the Patel, Markov and Hayes algorithm from [1] for optimal synthesis of linear reversible circuits for all-to-all architecture, as specified by an n x n matrix.
- state (list[list] or ndarray) – n x n boolean invertible matrix, describing the state of the input circuit
- section_size (int) – the size of each section, used in the Patel–Markov–Hayes algorithm [1]. section_size must be a factor of num_qubits.
a CX-only circuit implementing the linear transformation.
Return type
QiskitError – when variable “state” isn’t of type numpy.ndarray
- Patel, Ketan N., Igor L. Markov, and John P. Hayes, Optimal synthesis of linear reversible circuits, Quantum Information & Computation 8.3 (2008): 282-294. arXiv:quant-ph/0302002 [quant-ph]
Synthesize linear reversible circuit for linear nearest-neighbor architectures using Kutin, Moulton, Smithline method.
Synthesis algorithm for linear reversible circuits from [1], Chapter 7. Synthesizes any linear reversible circuit of n qubits over linear nearest-neighbor architecture using CX gates with depth at most 5*n.
mat (np.ndarray]) – A boolean invertible matrix.
the synthesized quantum circuit.
Return type
QiskitError – if mat is not invertible.
- Kutin, S., Moulton, D. P., Smithline, L., Computation at a distance, Chicago J. Theor. Comput. Sci., vol. 2007, (2007), arXiv:quant-ph/0701194
Linear-Phase Synthesis
Synthesis of a CZ circuit for linear nearest neighbour (LNN) connectivity, based on Maslov and Roetteler.
Note that this method reverts the order of qubits in the circuit, and returns a circuit containing CX and phase (S, Sdg or Z) gates.
mat (ndarray) – an upper-diagonal matrix representing the CZ circuit. mat[i][j]=1 for i<j represents a CZ(i,j) gate
a circuit implementation of the CZ circuit of depth 2*n+2 for LNN connectivity.
Return type
- Dmitri Maslov, Martin Roetteler, Shorter stabilizer circuits via Bruhat decomposition and quantum circuit transformations, arXiv:1705.09176.
qiskit.synthesis.synth_cx_cz_depth_line_my(mat_x, mat_z)
Joint synthesis of a -CZ-CX- circuit for linear nearest neighbour (LNN) connectivity, with 2-qubit depth at most 5n, based on Maslov and Yang. This method computes the CZ circuit inside the CX circuit via phase gate insertions.
- mat_z (ndarray) – a boolean symmetric matrix representing a CZ circuit. Mz[i][j]=1 represents a CZ(i,j) gate
- mat_x (ndarray) – a boolean invertible matrix representing a CX circuit.
a circuit implementation of a CX circuit following a CZ circuit, denoted as a -CZ-CX- circuit,in two-qubit depth at most 5n, for LNN connectivity.
Return type
- Kutin, S., Moulton, D. P., Smithline, L., Computation at a distance, Chicago J. Theor. Comput. Sci., vol. 2007, (2007), arXiv:quant-ph/0701194
- Dmitri Maslov, Willers Yang, CNOT circuits need little help to implement arbitrary Hadamard-free Clifford transformations they generate, arXiv:2210.16195.
Permutation Synthesis
Synthesize a permutation circuit for a linear nearest-neighbor architecture using the Kutin, Moulton, Smithline method.
This is the permutation synthesis algorithm from, Chapter 6. It synthesizes any permutation of n qubits over linear nearest-neighbor architecture using SWAP gates with depth at most n and size at most n(n-1)/2 (where both depth and size are measured with respect to SWAPs).
pattern (Union[list[int], np.ndarray]) – permutation pattern, describing which qubits occupy the positions 0, 1, 2, etc. after applying the permutation. That is, pattern[k] = m
when the permutation maps qubit m
to position k
. As an example, the pattern [2, 4, 3, 0, 1]
means that qubit 2
goes to position 0
, qubit 4
goes to position 1
, etc.
the synthesized quantum circuit.
Return type
Synthesize a permutation circuit for a fully-connected architecture using sorting.
More precisely, if the input permutation is a cycle of length m
, then this creates a quantum circuit with m-1
SWAPs (and of depth m-1
); if the input permutation consists of several disjoint cycles, then each cycle is essentially treated independently.
pattern (Union[list[int], np.ndarray]) – permutation pattern, describing which qubits occupy the positions 0, 1, 2, etc. after applying the permutation. That is, pattern[k] = m
when the permutation maps qubit m
to position k
. As an example, the pattern [2, 4, 3, 0, 1]
means that qubit 2
goes to position 0
, qubit 4
goes to position 1
, etc.
the synthesized quantum circuit.
Return type
Synthesize a permutation circuit for a fully-connected architecture using the Alon, Chung, Graham method.
This produces a quantum circuit of depth 2 (measured in the number of SWAPs).
This implementation is based on the Theorem 2 in the paper “Routing Permutations on Graphs Via Matchings” (1993), available at
pattern (Union[list[int], np.ndarray]) – permutation pattern, describing which qubits occupy the positions 0, 1, 2, etc. after applying the permutation. That is, pattern[k] = m
when the permutation maps qubit m
to position k
. As an example, the pattern [2, 4, 3, 0, 1]
means that qubit 2
goes to position 0
, qubit 4
goes to position 1
, etc.
the synthesized quantum circuit.
Return type
Clifford Synthesis
qiskit.synthesis.synth_clifford_full(clifford, method=None)
Decompose a Clifford operator into a QuantumCircuit.
For N <= 3 qubits this is based on optimal CX cost decomposition from reference [1]. For N > 3 qubits this is done using the general non-optimal greedy compilation routine from reference [3], which typically yields better CX cost compared to the AG method in [2].
- clifford (Clifford) – a clifford operator.
- method (str) – Optional, a synthesis method (‘AG’ or ‘greedy’). If set this overrides optimal decomposition for N <=3 qubits.
a circuit implementation of the Clifford.
Return type
- S. Bravyi, D. Maslov, Hadamard-free circuits expose the structure of the Clifford group, arXiv:2003.09412 [quant-ph]
- S. Aaronson, D. Gottesman, Improved Simulation of Stabilizer Circuits, Phys. Rev. A 70, 052328 (2004). arXiv:quant-ph/0406196
- Sergey Bravyi, Shaohan Hu, Dmitri Maslov, Ruslan Shaydulin, Clifford Circuit Optimization with Templates and Symbolic Pauli Gates, arXiv:2105.02291 [quant-ph]
Decompose a Clifford operator into a QuantumCircuit based on Aaronson-Gottesman method.
clifford (Clifford) – a clifford operator.
a circuit implementation of the Clifford.
Return type
- S. Aaronson, D. Gottesman, Improved Simulation of Stabilizer Circuits, Phys. Rev. A 70, 052328 (2004). arXiv:quant-ph/0406196
Optimal CX-cost decomposition of a Clifford operator on 2-qubits or 3-qubits into a QuantumCircuit based on Bravyi-Maslov method.
clifford (Clifford) – a clifford operator.
a circuit implementation of the Clifford.
Return type
QiskitError – if clifford is on more than 3 qubits.
- S. Bravyi, D. Maslov, Hadamard-free circuits expose the structure of the Clifford group, arXiv:2003.09412 [quant-ph]
Decompose a Clifford operator into a QuantumCircuit based on the greedy Clifford compiler that is described in Appendix A of Bravyi, Hu, Maslov and Shaydulin.
This method typically yields better CX cost compared to the Aaronson-Gottesman method.
clifford (Clifford) – a clifford operator.
a circuit implementation of the Clifford.
Return type
QiskitError – if symplectic Gaussian elimination fails.
- Sergey Bravyi, Shaohan Hu, Dmitri Maslov, Ruslan Shaydulin, Clifford Circuit Optimization with Templates and Symbolic Pauli Gates, arXiv:2105.02291 [quant-ph]
qiskit.synthesis.synth_clifford_layers(cliff, cx_synth_func=<function _default_cx_synth_func>, cz_synth_func=<function _default_cz_synth_func>, cx_cz_synth_func=None, cz_func_reverse_qubits=False, validate=False)
Synthesis of a Clifford into layers, it provides a similar decomposition to the synthesis described in Lemma 8 of Bravyi and Maslov.
For example, a 5-qubit Clifford circuit is decomposed into the following layers:
q_0: ┤0 ├┤0 ├┤0 ├┤0 ├┤0 ├┤0 ├┤0 ├┤0 ├
│ ││ ││ ││ ││ ││ ││ ││ │
q_1: ┤1 ├┤1 ├┤1 ├┤1 ├┤1 ├┤1 ├┤1 ├┤1 ├
│ ││ ││ ││ ││ ││ ││ ││ │
q_2: ┤2 S2 ├┤2 CZ ├┤2 CX_dg ├┤2 H2 ├┤2 S1 ├┤2 CZ ├┤2 H1 ├┤2 Pauli ├
│ ││ ││ ││ ││ ││ ││ ││ │
q_3: ┤3 ├┤3 ├┤3 ├┤3 ├┤3 ├┤3 ├┤3 ├┤3 ├
│ ││ ││ ││ ││ ││ ││ ││ │
q_4: ┤4 ├┤4 ├┤4 ├┤4 ├┤4 ├┤4 ├┤4 ├┤4 ├
This decomposition is for the default cz_synth_func and cx_synth_func functions, with other functions one may see slightly different decomposition.
- cliff (Clifford) – a clifford operator.
- cx_synth_func (Callable) – a function to decompose the CX sub-circuit. It gets as input a boolean invertible matrix, and outputs a QuantumCircuit.
- cz_synth_func (Callable) – a function to decompose the CZ sub-circuit. It gets as input a boolean symmetric matrix, and outputs a QuantumCircuit.
- cx_cz_synth_func (Callable) – optional, a function to decompose both sub-circuits CZ and CX.
- validate (Boolean) – if True, validates the synthesis process.
- cz_func_reverse_qubits (Boolean) – True only if cz_synth_func is synth_cz_depth_line_mr, since this function returns a circuit that reverts the order of qubits.
a circuit implementation of the Clifford.
Return type
- S. Bravyi, D. Maslov, Hadamard-free circuits expose the structure of the Clifford group, arXiv:2003.09412 [quant-ph]
Synthesis of a Clifford into layers for linear-nearest neighbour connectivity.
The depth of the synthesized n-qubit circuit is bounded by 7*n+2, which is not optimal. It should be replaced by a better algorithm that provides depth bounded by 7*n-4 [3].
cliff (Clifford) – a clifford operator.
a circuit implementation of the Clifford.
Return type
- S. Bravyi, D. Maslov, Hadamard-free circuits expose the structure of the Clifford group, arXiv:2003.09412 [quant-ph]
- Dmitri Maslov, Martin Roetteler, Shorter stabilizer circuits via Bruhat decomposition and quantum circuit transformations, arXiv:1705.09176.
- Dmitri Maslov, Willers Yang, CNOT circuits need little help to implement arbitrary Hadamard-free Clifford transformations they generate, arXiv:2210.16195.
CNOTDihedral Synthesis
Decompose a CNOTDihedral element into a QuantumCircuit. For N <= 2 qubits this is based on optimal CX cost decomposition from reference [1]. For N > 2 qubits this is done using the general non-optimal compilation routine from reference [2].
elem (CNOTDihedral) – a CNOTDihedral element.
a circuit implementation of the CNOTDihedral element.
Return type
- Shelly Garion and Andrew W. Cross, Synthesis of CNOT-Dihedral circuits with optimal number of two qubit gates, Quantum 4(369), 2020
- Andrew W. Cross, Easwar Magesan, Lev S. Bishop, John A. Smolin and Jay M. Gambetta, Scalable randomised benchmarking of non-Clifford gates, npj Quantum Inf 2, 16012 (2016).
Decompose a CNOTDihedral element on a single qubit and two qubits into a QuantumCircuit. This decomposition has an optimal number of CX gates.
elem (CNOTDihedral) – a CNOTDihedral element.
a circuit implementation of the CNOTDihedral element.
Return type
QiskitError – if the element in not 1-qubit or 2-qubit CNOTDihedral.
- Shelly Garion and Andrew W. Cross, On the structure of the CNOT-Dihedral group, arXiv:2006.12042 [quant-ph]
Decompose a CNOTDihedral element into a QuantumCircuit.
Decompose a general CNOTDihedral elements. The number of CNOT gates is not necessarily optimal. For a decomposition of a 1-qubit or 2-qubit element, call synth_cnotdihedral_two_qubits.
elem (CNOTDihedral) – a CNOTDihedral element.
a circuit implementation of the CNOTDihedral element.
Return type
QiskitError – if the element could not be decomposed into a circuit.
- Andrew W. Cross, Easwar Magesan, Lev S. Bishop, John A. Smolin and Jay M. Gambetta, Scalable randomised benchmarking of non-Clifford gates, npj Quantum Inf 2, 16012 (2016).
Stabilizer State Synthesis
qiskit.synthesis.synth_stabilizer_layers(stab, cz_synth_func=<function _default_cz_synth_func>, cz_func_reverse_qubits=False, validate=False)
Synthesis of a stabilizer state into layers.
It provides a similar decomposition to the synthesis described in Lemma 8 of Bravyi and Maslov, without the initial Hadamard-free sub-circuit which do not affect the stabilizer state.
For example, a 5-qubit stabilizer state is decomposed into the following layers:
q_0: ┤0 ├┤0 ├┤0 ├┤0 ├┤0 ├
│ ││ ││ ││ ││ │
q_1: ┤1 ├┤1 ├┤1 ├┤1 ├┤1 ├
│ ││ ││ ││ ││ │
q_2: ┤2 H2 ├┤2 S1 ├┤2 CZ ├┤2 H1 ├┤2 Pauli ├
│ ││ ││ ││ ││ │
q_3: ┤3 ├┤3 ├┤3 ├┤3 ├┤3 ├
│ ││ ││ ││ ││ │
q_4: ┤4 ├┤4 ├┤4 ├┤4 ├┤4 ├
- stab (StabilizerState) – a stabilizer state.
- cz_synth_func (Callable) – a function to decompose the CZ sub-circuit. It gets as input a boolean symmetric matrix, and outputs a QuantumCircuit.
- validate (Boolean) – if True, validates the synthesis process.
- cz_func_reverse_qubits (Boolean) – True only if cz_synth_func is synth_cz_depth_line_mr, since this function returns a circuit that reverts the order of qubits.
a circuit implementation of the stabilizer state.
Return type
QiskitError – if the input is not a StabilizerState.
- S. Bravyi, D. Maslov, Hadamard-free circuits expose the structure of the Clifford group, arXiv:2003.09412 [quant-ph]
Synthesis of an n-qubit stabilizer state for linear-nearest neighbour connectivity, in 2-qubit depth 2*n+2 and two distinct CX layers, using CX and phase gates (S, Sdg or Z).
stab (StabilizerState) – a stabilizer state.
a circuit implementation of the stabilizer state.
Return type
- S. Bravyi, D. Maslov, Hadamard-free circuits expose the structure of the Clifford group, arXiv:2003.09412 [quant-ph]
- Dmitri Maslov, Martin Roetteler, Shorter stabilizer circuits via Bruhat decomposition and quantum circuit transformations, arXiv:1705.09176.
Discrete Basis Synthesis
SolovayKitaevDecomposition ([...]) | The Solovay Kitaev discrete decomposition algorithm. |
qiskit.synthesis.generate_basic_approximations(basis_gates, depth, filename=None)
Generates a list of GateSequence``s with the gates in ``basic_gates
- basis_gates (list[str |Gate]) – The gates from which to create the sequences of gates.
- depth (int) – The maximum depth of the approximations.
- filename (str | None) – If provided, the basic approximations are stored in this file.
List of GateSequences
using the gates in basic_gates
ValueError – If basis_gates
contains an invalid gate identifier.
Return type