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class qiskit.transpiler.synthesis.aqc.AQCSynthesisPlugin


Bases: UnitarySynthesisPlugin

An AQC-based Qiskit unitary synthesis plugin.

This plugin is invoked by transpile() when the unitary_synthesis_method parameter is set to "aqc".

This plugin supports customization and additional parameters can be passed to the plugin by passing a dictionary as the unitary_synthesis_plugin_config parameter of the transpile() function.

Supported parameters in the dictionary:

network_layout (str)

Type of network geometry, one of {"sequ", "spin", "cart", "cyclic_spin", "cyclic_line"}. Default value is "spin".

connectivity_type (str)

type of inter-qubit connectivity, {"full", "line", "star"}. Default value is "full".

depth (int)

depth of the CNOT-network, i.e. the number of layers, where each layer consists of a single CNOT-block.

optimizer (Optimizer)

An instance of optimizer to be used in the optimization process.

seed (int)

A random seed.

initial_point (ndarray)

Initial values of angles/parameters to start the optimization process from.



Maximum number of supported qubits is 14.


Minimum number of supported qubits is 3.


The plugin does not support bases for synthesis.


The plugin does not support basis gates and by default it synthesizes a circuit using ["rx", "ry", "rz", "cx"] gate basis.


The plugin does not support coupling maps.


The plugin does not support gate errors.


Return whether the plugin supports taking gate_errors_by_qubit

This differs from supports_gate_errors/gate_errors by using a different view of the same data. Instead of being keyed by gate name this is keyed by qubit and uses Gate instances to represent gates (instead of gate names).

gate_errors_by_qubit will be a dictionary in the form of {(qubits,): [Gate, error]}. For example:

(0,): [SXGate(): 0.0006149355812506126, RZGate(): 0.0],
(0, 1): [CXGate(): 0.012012477900732316]

Do note that this dictionary might not be complete or could be empty as it depends on the target backend reporting gate errors on every gate for each qubit. The gate error rates reported in gate_errors are provided by the target device Backend object and the exact meaning might be different depending on the backend.

This defaults to False


The plugin does not support gate lengths.


Return whether the plugin supports taking gate_lengths_by_qubit

This differs from supports_gate_lengths/gate_lengths by using a different view of the same data. Instead of being keyed by gate name this is keyed by qubit and uses Gate instances to represent gates (instead of gate names)

gate_lengths_by_qubit will be a dictionary in the form of {(qubits,): [Gate, length]}. For example:

(0,): [SXGate(): 0.0006149355812506126, RZGate(): 0.0],
(0, 1): [CXGate(): 0.012012477900732316]

where the length value is in units of seconds.

Do note that this dictionary might not be complete or could be empty as it depends on the target backend reporting gate lengths on every gate for each qubit.

This defaults to False


The plugin does not support natural direction, it assumes bidirectional two qubit gates.


The plugin does not support optimization of pulses.


Whether the plugin supports taking target as an option

target will be a Target object representing the target device for the output of the synthesis pass.

By default this will be False since the plugin interface predates the Target class. If a plugin returns True for this attribute, it is expected that the plugin will use the Target instead of the values passed if any of supports_gate_lengths, supports_gate_errors, supports_coupling_map, and supports_basis_gates are set (although ideally all those parameters should contain duplicate information).



run(unitary, **options)

Run synthesis for the given unitary matrix


  • unitary (numpy.ndarray) – The unitary matrix to synthesize to a DAGCircuit object
  • options – The optional kwargs that are passed based on the output the support_* methods on the class. Refer to the documentation for these methods on UnitarySynthesisPlugin to see what the keys and values are.


The dag circuit representation of the unitary. Alternatively, you can return a tuple of the form (dag, wires) where dag is the dag circuit representation of the circuit representation of the unitary and wires is the mapping wires to use for qiskit.dagcircuit.DAGCircuit.substitute_node_with_dag(). If you return a tuple and wires is None this will behave just as if only a DAGCircuit was returned. Additionally if this returns None no substitution will be made.

Return type


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