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qiskit.pulse.library.SechDeriv(duration, amp, sigma, angle=0.0, name=None, limit_amplitude=None)


An unnormalized sech derivative pulse.

The sech function is centered around the halfway point of the pulse, and the envelope of the pulse is given by:

f(x)=Addx[sech(xμsigma)],0<=x<durationf(x) = \text{A}\frac{d}{dx}\left[\text{sech} \left(\frac{x-\mu}{\text{sigma}}\right)\right] , 0 <= x < duration

where A=amp×exp(i×angle)\text{A} = \text{amp} \times\exp\left(i\times\text{angle}\right), μ=duration/2\mu=\text{duration}/2, and d/dxd/dx is a derivative with respect to x.


  • duration (int |ParameterExpression) – Pulse length in terms of the sampling period dt.
  • amp (float |ParameterExpression) – The magnitude of the amplitude of the pulse (the value of the corresponding sech function at the midpoint duration/2).
  • sigma (float |ParameterExpression) – A measure of how wide or narrow the corresponding sech peak is, in terms of dt; described mathematically in the class docstring.
  • angle (ParameterExpression |float | None) – The angle in radians of the complex phase factor uniformly scaling the pulse. Default value 0.
  • name (str | None) – Display name for this pulse envelope.
  • limit_amplitude (bool | None) – If True, then limit the amplitude of the waveform to 1. The default is True and the amplitude is constrained to 1.


ScalableSymbolicPulse instance.

Return type


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