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class qiskit.providers.models.BackendConfiguration(backend_name, backend_version, n_qubits, basis_gates, gates, local, simulator, conditional, open_pulse, memory, max_shots, coupling_map, supported_instructions=None, dynamic_reprate_enabled=False, rep_delay_range=None, default_rep_delay=None, max_experiments=None, sample_name=None, n_registers=None, register_map=None, configurable=None, credits_required=None, online_date=None, display_name=None, description=None, tags=None, dt=None, dtm=None, processor_type=None, parametric_pulses=None, **kwargs)


Bases: QasmBackendConfiguration

Backwards compat shim representing an abstract backend configuration.

Initialize a QasmBackendConfiguration Object


  • backend_name (str) – The backend name

  • backend_version (str) – The backend version in the form X.Y.Z

  • n_qubits (int) – the number of qubits for the backend

  • basis_gates (list) – The list of strings for the basis gates of the backends

  • gates (list) – The list of GateConfig objects for the basis gates of the backend

  • local (bool) – True if the backend is local or False if remote

  • simulator (bool) – True if the backend is a simulator

  • conditional (bool) – True if the backend supports conditional operations

  • open_pulse (bool) – True if the backend supports OpenPulse

  • memory (bool) – True if the backend supports memory

  • max_shots (int) – The maximum number of shots allowed on the backend

  • coupling_map (list) – The coupling map for the device

  • supported_instructions (List[str]) – Instructions supported by the backend.

  • dynamic_reprate_enabled (bool) – whether delay between programs can be set dynamically (ie via rep_delay). Defaults to False.

  • rep_delay_range (List[float]) – 2d list defining supported range of repetition delays for backend in μs. First entry is lower end of the range, second entry is higher end of the range. Optional, but will be specified when dynamic_reprate_enabled=True.

  • default_rep_delay (float) – Value of rep_delay if not specified by user and dynamic_reprate_enabled=True.

  • max_experiments (int) – The maximum number of experiments per job

  • sample_name (str) – Sample name for the backend

  • n_registers (int) – Number of register slots available for feedback (if conditional is True)

  • register_map (list) – An array of dimension n_qubits X n_registers that specifies whether a qubit can store a measurement in a certain register slot.

  • configurable (bool) – True if the backend is configurable, if the backend is a simulator

  • credits_required (bool) – True if backend requires credits to run a job.

  • online_date (datetime) – The date that the device went online

  • display_name (str) – Alternate name field for the backend

  • description (str) – A description for the backend

  • tags (list) – A list of string tags to describe the backend

  • dt (float) – Qubit drive channel timestep in nanoseconds.

  • dtm (float) – Measurement drive channel timestep in nanoseconds.

  • processor_type (dict) –

    Processor type for this backend. A dictionary of the form {"family": <str>, "revision": <str>, segment: <str>} such as {"family": "Canary", "revision": "1.0", segment: "A"}.

    • family: Processor family of this backend.
    • revision: Revision version of this processor.
    • segment: Segment this processor belongs to within a larger chip.
  • parametric_pulses (list) – A list of pulse shapes which are supported on the backend. For example: ['gaussian', 'constant']

  • **kwargs – optional fields



Returns the number of qubits.

In future, n_qubits should be replaced in favor of num_qubits for consistent use throughout Qiskit. Until this is properly refactored, this property serves as intermediate solution.



classmethod from_dict(data)

Create a new GateConfig object from a dictionary.


data (dict) – A dictionary representing the GateConfig to create. It will be in the same format as output by to_dict().


The GateConfig from the input dictionary.

Return type




Return a dictionary format representation of the GateConfig.


The dictionary form of the GateConfig.

Return type


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