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generate_routing_passmanager(routing_pass, target, coupling_map=None, vf2_call_limit=None, backend_properties=None, seed_transpiler=None, check_trivial=False, use_barrier_before_measurement=True, vf2_max_trials=None)


Generate a routing PassManager


  • routing_pass (TransformationPass) – The pass which will perform the routing
  • target (Target) – the Target object representing the backend
  • coupling_map (CouplingMap) – The coupling map of the backend to route for
  • vf2_call_limit (int) – The internal call limit for the vf2 post layout pass. If this is None or 0 the vf2 post layout will not be run.
  • backend_properties (BackendProperties) – Properties of a backend to synthesize for (e.g. gate fidelities).
  • seed_transpiler (int) – Sets random seed for the stochastic parts of the transpiler.
  • check_trivial (bool) – If set to true this will condition running the VF2PostLayout pass after routing on whether a trivial layout was tried and was found to not be perfect. This is only needed if the constructed pass manager runs TrivialLayout as a first layout attempt and uses it if it’s a perfect layout (as is the case with preset pass manager level 1).
  • use_barrier_before_measurement (bool) – If true (the default) the BarrierBeforeFinalMeasurements transpiler pass will be run prior to the specified pass in the routing_pass argument.
  • vf2_max_trials (int) – The maximum number of trials to run VF2 when evaluating the vf2 post layout pass. If this is None or 0 the vf2 post layout will not be run.


The routing pass manager

Return type


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