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This page is from an old version of Qiskit SDK and does not exist in the latest version. We recommend you migrate to the latest version. See the release notes for more information.


class MatrixEvolution


Bases: EvolutionBase

Deprecated: Performs Evolution by classical matrix exponentiation, constructing a circuit with UnitaryGates or HamiltonianGates containing the exponentiation of the Operator.

Deprecated since version 0.24.0

The class qiskit.opflow.evolutions.matrix_evolution.MatrixEvolution is deprecated as of qiskit-terra 0.24.0. It will be removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. For code migration guidelines, visit

Methods Defined Here



Traverse the operator, replacing EvolvedOps with CircuitOps containing UnitaryGates or HamiltonianGates (if self.coeff is a ParameterExpression) equalling the exponentiation of -i * operator. This is done by converting the EvolvedOp.primitive to a MatrixOp and simply calling .exp_i() on that.


operator (OperatorBase) – The Operator to convert.


The converted operator.

Return type


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