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class IterativePhaseEstimation(num_iterations, quantum_instance=None, sampler=None)


Bases: PhaseEstimator

Run the Iterative quantum phase estimation (QPE) algorithm.

Given a unitary circuit and a circuit preparing an eigenstate, return the phase of the eigenvalue as a number in [0,1)[0,1) using the iterative phase estimation algorithm.

[1]: Dobsicek et al. (2006), Arbitrary accuracy iterative phase estimation algorithm as a two

qubit benchmark, arxiv/quant-ph/0610214

Deprecated since version 0.24.0

qiskit.algorithms.phase_estimators.ipe.IterativePhaseEstimation.__init__()’s argument quantum_instance is deprecated as of qiskit-terra 0.24.0. It will be removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. Instead, use the sampler argument. See for a migration guide.


  • num_iterations (int) – The number of iterations (rounds) of the phase estimation to run.
  • quantum_instance (QuantumInstance |Backend | None) – Deprecated: The quantum instance on which the circuit will be run.
  • sampler (BaseSampler | None) – The sampler primitive on which the circuit will be sampled.


  • ValueError – if num_iterations is not greater than zero.
  • AlgorithmError – If neither sampler nor quantum instance is provided.



IterativePhaseEstimation.construct_circuit(unitary, state_preparation, k, omega=0.0, measurement=False)

Construct the kth iteration Quantum Phase Estimation circuit.

For details of parameters, see Fig. 2 in


  • unitary (QuantumCircuit) – The circuit representing the unitary operator whose eigenvalue (via phase) will be measured.
  • state_preparation (QuantumCircuit) – The circuit that prepares the state whose eigenphase will be measured. If this parameter is omitted, no preparation circuit will be run and input state will be the all-zero state in the computational basis.
  • k (int) – the iteration idx.
  • omega (float) – the feedback angle.
  • measurement (bool) – Boolean flag to indicate if measurement should be included in the circuit.


the quantum circuit per iteration

Return type



IterativePhaseEstimation.estimate(unitary, state_preparation)

Estimate the eigenphase of the input unitary and initial-state pair.


  • unitary (QuantumCircuit) – The circuit representing the unitary operator whose eigenvalue (via phase) will be measured.
  • state_preparation (QuantumCircuit) – The circuit that prepares the state whose eigenphase will be measured. If this parameter is omitted, no preparation circuit will be run and input state will be the all-zero state in the computational basis.


Estimated phase in an IterativePhaseEstimationResult object.


AlgorithmError – If neither sampler nor quantum instance is provided.

Return type


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