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assemble(experiments, backend=None, qobj_id=None, qobj_header=None, shots=None, memory=False, max_credits=None, seed_simulator=None, qubit_lo_freq=None, meas_lo_freq=None, qubit_lo_range=None, meas_lo_range=None, schedule_los=None, meas_level=MeasLevel.CLASSIFIED, meas_return=MeasReturnType.AVERAGE, meas_map=None, memory_slot_size=100, rep_time=None, rep_delay=None, parameter_binds=None, parametric_pulses=None, init_qubits=True, **run_config)


Assemble a list of circuits or pulse schedules into a Qobj.

This function serializes the payloads, which could be either circuits or schedules, to create Qobj “experiments”. It further annotates the experiment payload with header and configurations.

NOTE: Backend.options is not used within assemble. The required values (previously given by backend.set_options) should be manually extracted from options and supplied directly when calling.


  • experiments (Union[QuantumCircuit, List[QuantumCircuit], Schedule, List[Schedule], ScheduleBlock, List[ScheduleBlock]]) – Circuit(s) or pulse schedule(s) to execute

  • backend (Optional[Backend]) – If set, some runtime options are automatically grabbed from backend.configuration() and backend.defaults(). If any other option is explicitly set (e.g., rep_time), it will override the backend’s. If any other options is set in the run_config, it will also override the backend’s.

  • qobj_id (Optional[str]) – String identifier to annotate the Qobj

  • qobj_header (Union[QobjHeader, Dict, None]) – User input that will be inserted in Qobj header, and will also be copied to the corresponding Result header. Headers do not affect the run.

  • shots (Optional[int]) – Number of repetitions of each circuit, for sampling. Default: 1024 or max_shots from the backend configuration, whichever is smaller

  • memory (Optional[bool]) – If True, per-shot measurement bitstrings are returned as well (provided the backend supports it). For OpenPulse jobs, only measurement level 2 supports this option.

  • max_credits (Optional[int]) – DEPRECATED This parameter is deprecated as of Qiskit Terra 0.20.0, and will be removed in a future release. This parameter has no effect on modern IBM Quantum systems, and no alternative is necessary.

  • seed_simulator (Optional[int]) – Random seed to control sampling, for when backend is a simulator

  • qubit_lo_freq (Optional[List[float]]) – List of job level qubit drive LO frequencies in Hz. Overridden by schedule_los if specified. Must have length n_qubits.

  • meas_lo_freq (Optional[List[float]]) – List of measurement LO frequencies in Hz. Overridden by schedule_los if specified. Must have length n_qubits.

  • qubit_lo_range (Optional[List[float]]) – List of job level drive LO ranges each of form [range_min, range_max] in Hz. Used to validate qubit_lo_freq. Must have length n_qubits.

  • meas_lo_range (Optional[List[float]]) – List of job level measurement LO ranges each of form [range_min, range_max] in Hz. Used to validate meas_lo_freq. Must have length n_qubits.

  • schedule_los (Union[List[Union[Dict[PulseChannel, float], LoConfig]], Dict[PulseChannel, float], LoConfig, None]) – Experiment level (ie circuit or schedule) LO frequency configurations for qubit drive and measurement channels. These values override the job level values from default_qubit_los and default_meas_los. Frequencies are in Hz. Settable for qasm and pulse jobs.

  • meas_level (Union[int, MeasLevel]) – Set the appropriate level of the measurement output for pulse experiments.

  • meas_return (Union[str, MeasReturnType]) –

    Level of measurement data for the backend to return.

    For meas_level 0 and 1:

    • single returns information from every shot.
    • avg returns average measurement output (averaged over number of shots).
  • meas_map (Optional[List[List[Qubit]]]) – List of lists, containing qubits that must be measured together.

  • memory_slot_size (int) – Size of each memory slot if the output is Level 0.

  • rep_time (int) – Time per program execution in seconds. Must be from the list provided by the backend (backend.configuration().rep_times). Defaults to the first entry.

  • rep_delay (float) – Delay between programs in seconds. Only supported on certain backends (if backend.configuration().dynamic_reprate_enabled=True). If supported, rep_delay will be used instead of rep_time and must be from the range supplied by the backend (backend.configuration().rep_delay_range). Default is given by backend.configuration().default_rep_delay.

  • parameter_binds (Optional[List[Dict[Parameter, float]]]) – List of Parameter bindings over which the set of experiments will be executed. Each list element (bind) should be of the form {Parameter1: value1, Parameter2: value2, …}. All binds will be executed across all experiments; e.g., if parameter_binds is a length-n list, and there are m experiments, a total of m x n experiments will be run (one for each experiment/bind pair).

  • parametric_pulses (Optional[List[str]]) –

    A list of pulse shapes which are supported internally on the backend. Example:

    ['gaussian', 'constant']
  • init_qubits (bool) – Whether to reset the qubits to the ground state for each shot. Default: True.

  • **run_config – Extra arguments used to configure the run (e.g., for Aer configurable backends). Refer to the backend documentation for details on these arguments.

Return type



A Qobj that can be run on a backend. Depending on the type of input, this will be either a QasmQobj or a PulseQobj.


QiskitError – if the input cannot be interpreted as either circuits or schedules

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