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Decompose a CNOTDihedral element into a QuantumCircuit. For N <= 2 qubits this is based on optimal CX cost decomposition from reference [1]. For N > 2 qubits this is done using the general non-optimal compilation routine from reference [2].


elem (CNOTDihedral) – a CNOTDihedral element.


a circuit implementation of the CNOTDihedral element.

Return type



  1. Shelly Garion and Andrew W. Cross, Synthesis of CNOT-Dihedral circuits with optimal number of two qubit gates, Quantum 4(369), 2020
  2. Andrew W. Cross, Easwar Magesan, Lev S. Bishop, John A. Smolin and Jay M. Gambetta, Scalable randomised benchmarking of non-Clifford gates, npj Quantum Inf 2, 16012 (2016).
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