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class OpenQASMLexer(*args, **kwds)


Bases: pygments.lexer.RegexLexer

A pygments lexer for OpenQasm.



OpenQASMLexer.add_filter(filter_, **options)

Add a new stream filter to this lexer.


static OpenQASMLexer.analyse_text(text)

Has to return a float between 0 and 1 that indicates if a lexer wants to highlight this text. Used by guess_lexer. If this method returns 0 it won’t highlight it in any case, if it returns 1 highlighting with this lexer is guaranteed.

The LexerMeta metaclass automatically wraps this function so that it works like a static method (no self or cls parameter) and the return value is automatically converted to float. If the return value is an object that is boolean False it’s the same as if the return values was 0.0.


OpenQASMLexer.get_tokens(text, unfiltered=False)

Return an iterable of (tokentype, value) pairs generated from text. If unfiltered is set to True, the filtering mechanism is bypassed even if filters are defined.

Also preprocess the text, i.e. expand tabs and strip it if wanted and applies registered filters.


OpenQASMLexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(text, stack=('root',))

Split text into (tokentype, text) pairs.

stack is the initial stack (default: ['root'])



Default value: []

Secondary file name globs


Default value: ['qasm']

Shortcuts for the lexer


Default value: ['*.qasm']

File name globs


Default value: 8

Flags for compiling the regular expressions. Defaults to MULTILINE.


Default value: ['id', 'cx', 'x', 'y', 'z', 's', 'sdg', 'h', 't', 'tdg', 'ccx', 'c3x', 'c4x', 'c3sqrtx', 'rx', 'ry', 'rz', 'cz', 'cy', 'ch', 'swap', 'cswap', 'crx', 'cry', 'crz', 'cu1', 'cu3', 'rxx', 'rzz', 'rccx', 'rc3x', 'u1', 'u2', 'u3']


Default value: []

MIME types


Default value: 'OpenQASM'

Name of the lexer


Default value: 0

Priority, should multiple lexers match and no content is provided


Default value: {'gate': [('[unitary\\d+]', Token.Keyword.Type, '#push'), ('p\\d+', Token.Text, '#push')], 'if_keywords': [('[a-zA-Z0-9_]*', Token.Literal.String, '#pop'), ('\\d+', Token.Literal.Number, '#push'), ('.*\\(', Token.Text, 'params')], 'index': [('\\d+', Token.Literal.Number, '#pop')], 'keywords': [('\\s*("([^"]|"")*")', Token.Literal.String, '#push'), ('\\d+', Token.Literal.Number, '#push'), ('.*\\(', Token.Text, 'params')], 'params': [('[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*', Token.Text, '#push'), ('\\d+', Token.Literal.Number, '#push'), ('(\\d+\\.\\d*|\\d*\\.\\d+)([eEf][+-]?[0-9]+)?', Token.Literal.Number, '#push'), ('\\)', Token.Text)], 'root': [('\\n', Token.Text), ('[^\\S\\n]+', Token.Text), ('//\\n', Token.Comment), ('//.*?$', Token.Comment.Single), ('(OPENQASM|include)\\b', Token.Keyword.Reserved, 'keywords'), ('(qreg|creg)\\b', Token.Keyword.Declaration), ('(if)\\b', Token.Keyword.Reserved, 'if_keywords'), ('(pi)\\b', Token.Name.Constant), ('(barrier|measure|reset)\\b', Token.Name.Builtin, 'params'), ('(id|cx|x|y|z|s|sdg|h|t|tdg|ccx|c3x|c4x|c3sqrtx|rx|ry|rz|cz|cy|ch|swap|cswap|crx|cry|crz|cu1|cu3|rxx|rzz|rccx|rc3x|u1|u2|u3)\\b', Token.Keyword.Type, 'params'), ('[unitary\\d+]', Token.Keyword.Type), ('(gate)\\b', Token.Name.Function, 'gate'), ('[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*', Token.Text, 'index')]}

At all time there is a stack of states. Initially, the stack contains a single state ‘root’. The top of the stack is called “the current state”.

Dict of {'state': [(regex, tokentype, new_state), ...], ...}

new_state can be omitted to signify no state transition. If new_state is a string, it is pushed on the stack. This ensure the new current state is new_state. If new_state is a tuple of strings, all of those strings are pushed on the stack and the current state will be the last element of the list. new_state can also be combined('state1', 'state2', ...) to signify a new, anonymous state combined from the rules of two or more existing ones. Furthermore, it can be ‘#pop’ to signify going back one step in the state stack, or ‘#push’ to push the current state on the stack again. Note that if you push while in a combined state, the combined state itself is pushed, and not only the state in which the rule is defined.

The tuple can also be replaced with include('state'), in which case the rules from the state named by the string are included in the current one.


Default value: None

URL of the language specification/definition

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