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sawtooth(duration, amp, freq=None, phase=0, name=None)


Generates sawtooth wave Waveform.

For A=A= amp, T=T= period, and ϕ=\phi= phase, applies the midpoint sampling strategy to generate a discrete pulse sampled from the continuous function:

f(x)=2A(g(x)12+g(x))f(x) = 2 A \left( g(x) - \left\lfloor \frac{1}{2} + g(x) \right\rfloor\right)

where g(x)=x/T+ϕ/πg(x) = x/T + \phi/\pi.


  • duration (int) – Duration of pulse. Must be greater than zero.
  • amp (complex) – Pulse amplitude. Wave range is [[- amp ,, amp ]].
  • freq (Optional[float]) – Pulse frequency, units of 1./dt. If None defaults to 1./duration.
  • phase (float) – Pulse phase.
  • name (Optional[str]) – Name of pulse.


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from qiskit.pulse.library import sawtooth
import numpy as np
duration = 100
amp = 1
freq = 1 / duration
sawtooth_wave = np.real(sawtooth(duration, amp, freq).samples)
plt.plot(range(duration), sawtooth_wave)

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)


Return type


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