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class LinearSolver


Bases: abc.ABC

The deprecated abstract class for linear system solvers in Qiskit.



abstract LinearSolver.solve(matrix, vector, observable=None, observable_circuit=None, post_processing=None)

Solve the system and compute the observable(s)


  • matrix (Union[ndarray, QuantumCircuit]) – The matrix specifying the system, i.e. A in Ax=b.
  • vector (Union[ndarray, QuantumCircuit]) – The vector specifying the right hand side of the equation in Ax=b.
  • observable (Union[LinearSystemObservable, BaseOperator, List[LinearSystemObservable], List[BaseOperator], None]) – Optional information to be extracted from the solution. Default is the probability of success of the algorithm.
  • observable_circuit (Union[QuantumCircuit, List[QuantumCircuit], None]) – Optional circuit to be applied to the solution to extract information. Default is None.
  • post_processing (Optional[Callable[[Union[float, List[float]]], Union[float, List[float]]]]) – Optional function to compute the value of the observable. Default is the raw value of measuring the observable.

Return type



The result of the linear system.

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