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Quantum Circuit Extensions


Unitary Extensions

UnitaryGate(data[, label])Class quantum gates specified by a unitary matrix.
HamiltonianGate(data, time[, label])Class for representing evolution by a Hermitian Hamiltonian operator as a gate.
SingleQubitUnitary(unitary_matrix[, mode, ...])u = 2*2 unitary (given as a (complex) numpy.ndarray)

Simulator Extensions

Snapshot(label[, snapshot_type, num_qubits, ...])Simulator snapshot instruction.


Initialize(params[, num_qubits])Complex amplitude initialization.

Uniformly Controlled Rotations

UCPauliRotGate(angle_list, rot_axis)Uniformly controlled rotations (also called multiplexed rotations).
UCRXGate(angle_list)Uniformly controlled rotations (also called multiplexed rotations).
UCRYGate(angle_list)Uniformly controlled rotations (also called multiplexed rotations).
UCRZGate(angle_list)Uniformly controlled rotations (also called multiplexed rotations).
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