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draw(program, style=None, time_range=None, disable_bits=None, show_clbits=None, show_idle=None, show_barriers=None, show_delays=None, show_labels=True, plotter='mpl', axis=None, filename=None)


Generate visualization data for scheduled circuit programs.


  • program (QuantumCircuit) – Program to visualize. This program should be a QuantumCircuit which is transpiled with a scheduling_method, thus containing gate time information.

  • style (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) – Stylesheet options. This can be dictionary or preset stylesheet classes. See IQXStandard, IQXSimple, and IQXDebugging for details of preset stylesheets. See also the stylesheet section for details of configuration keys.

  • time_range (Optional[Tuple[int, int]]) – Set horizontal axis limit.

  • disable_bits (Optional[List[NewType()(Bits, Union[Qubit, Clbit])]]) – List of qubits of classical bits not shown in the output image.

  • show_clbits (Optional[bool]) – A control property to show classical bits. Set True to show classical bits.

  • show_idle (Optional[bool]) – A control property to show idle timeline. Set True to show timeline without gates.

  • show_barriers (Optional[bool]) – A control property to show barrier instructions. Set True to show barrier instructions.

  • show_delays (Optional[bool]) – A control property to show delay instructions. Set True to show delay instructions.

  • show_labels (bool) – A control property to show annotations, i.e. name, of gates. Set True to show annotations.

  • plotter (Optional[str]) –

    Name of plotter API to generate an output image. One of following APIs should be specified:

    mpl: Matplotlib API
        Matplotlib API to generate 2D image. Timelines are placed along y axis with
        vertical offset. This API takes matplotlib.axes.Axes as `axis` input.

    axis and style kwargs may depend on the plotter.

  • axis (Optional[Any]) – Arbitrary object passed to the plotter. If this object is provided, the plotters uses given axis instead of internally initializing a figure object. This object format depends on the plotter. See plotters section for details.

  • filename (Optional[str]) – If provided the output image is dumped into a file under the filename.


Visualization output data.

The returned data type depends on the plotter. If matplotlib family is specified, this will be a matplotlib.pyplot.Figure data. The returned data is generated by the .get_image method of the specified plotter API.


  • MissingOptionalLibraryError – When required visualization package is not installed.
  • VisualizationError – When invalid plotter API is specified.

Style Dict Details

The stylesheet kwarg contains numerous options that define the style of the output timeline visualization. The stylesheet options can be classified into formatter, generator and layout. Those options available in the stylesheet are defined below:


  • formatter.general.fig_width – Width of output image (default 14).

  • formatter.general.fig_unit_height – Height of output image per timeline. The sum of all timeline becomes the height of the output image (default 0.8).

  • formatter.general.dpi – Dot per inch of image if filename is set (default 150).

  • – Margin from the top boundary of the figure canvas to the zero line of the first time slot (default 0.5).

  • formatter.margin.bottom – Margin from the bottom boundary of the figure canvas to the zero lien of the last time slot (default 0.5).

  • formatter.margin.left_percent – Margin from the left boundary of the figure canvas to the left limit of the horizontal axis. The value is in units of percentage of the whole program duration. If the duration is 100 and the value of 0.5 is set, this keeps left margin of 5 (default 0.02).

  • formatter.margin.right_percent – Margin from the right boundary of the figure canvas to the right limit of the horizontal axis. The value is in units of percentage of the whole program duration. If the duration is 100 and the value of 0.5 is set, this keeps right margin of 5 (default 0.02).

  • formatter.margin.link_interval_percent – Allowed overlap of gate links. If multiple gate links are drawing within this range, links are horizontally shifted not to overlap with each other. The value is in units of percentage of the whole program duration (default 0.01).

  • formatter.time_bucket.edge_dt – The length of round edge of gate boxes. Gate boxes are smoothly faded in and out from the zero line. This value is in units of the system cycle time dt (default 10).

  • formatter.margin.minimum_duration – Minimum scheduled circuit duration. If the duration of input circuit is below this value, horizontal limit is set based on this value. This value is in units of the system cycle time dt (default 50).

  • formatter.color.background – Color code of the face color of canvas (default #FFFFFF).

  • formatter.color.timeslot – Face color of the time slot box (default #DDDDDD).

  • formatter.color.gate_name – Text color of the gate name annotations (default #000000).

  • formatter.color.bit_name – Text color of the bit label annotations (default #000000).

  • formatter.color.barrier – Line color of barriers (default #222222).

  • formatter.color.gates

    A dictionary of the gate box or gate symbol colors to use for each element type in the output visualization. The default values are:

        'u0': '#FA74A6',
        'u1': '#000000',
        'u2': '#FA74A6',
        'u3': '#FA74A6',
        'id': '#05BAB6',
        'sx': '#FA74A6',
        'sxdg': '#FA74A6',
        'x': '#05BAB6',
        'y': '#05BAB6',
        'z': '#05BAB6',
        'h': '#6FA4FF',
        'cx': '#6FA4FF',
        'cy': '#6FA4FF',
        'cz': '#6FA4FF',
        'swap': '#6FA4FF',
        's': '#6FA4FF',
        'sdg': '#6FA4FF',
        'dcx': '#6FA4FF',
        'iswap': '#6FA4FF',
        't': '#BB8BFF',
        'tdg': '#BB8BFF',
        'r': '#BB8BFF',
        'rx': '#BB8BFF',
        'ry': '#BB8BFF',
        'rz': '#000000',
        'reset': '#808080',
        'measure': '#808080'

    You must specify all the necessary values if using this. If a gate name is not specified, the color in formatter.color.default_gate is applied.

  • formatter.color.default_gate – Default gate color. This color is applied when a gate name to visualize is not contained in the dictionary of formatter.color.gates (default #BB8BFF).

  • formatter.latex_symbol.gates

    A dictionary of latex representation of gate names to use for each element type in the output visualization. The default values are:

        'u0': r'{\rm U}_0',
        'u1': r'{\rm U}_1',
        'u2': r'{\rm U}_2',
        'u3': r'{\rm U}_3',
        'id': r'{\rm Id}',
        'x': r'{\rm X}',
        'y': r'{\rm Y}',
        'z': r'{\rm Z}',
        'h': r'{\rm H}',
        'cx': r'{\rm CX}',
        'cy': r'{\rm CY}',
        'cz': r'{\rm CZ}',
        'swap': r'{\rm SWAP}',
        's': r'{\rm S}',
        'sdg': r'{\rm S}^\dagger',
        'sx': r'{\rm √X}',
        'sxdg': r'{\rm √X}^\dagger',
        'dcx': r'{\rm DCX}',
        'iswap': r'{\rm iSWAP}',
        't': r'{\rm T}',
        'tdg': r'{\rm T}^\dagger',
        'r': r'{\rm R}',
        'rx': r'{\rm R}_x',
        'ry': r'{\rm R}_y',
        'rz': r'{\rm R}_z',
        'reset': r'|0\rangle',
        'measure': r'{\rm Measure}'

    You must specify all the necessary values if using this. There is no provision for passing an incomplete dict in.

  • formatter.latex_symbol.frame_change – Latex representation of the frame change symbol (default r`circlearrowleft`).

  • formatter.unicode_symbol.frame_change – Unicode representation of the frame change symbol (default u’u21BA’).

  • formatter.box_height.gate – Height of gate box (default 0.5).

  • formatter.box_height.timeslot – Height of time slot (default 0.6).

  • formatter.layer.gate – Layer index of gate boxes. Larger number comes in the front of the output image (default 3).

  • formatter.layer.timeslot – Layer index of time slots. Larger number comes in the front of the output image (default 0).

  • formatter.layer.gate_name – Layer index of gate name annotations. Larger number comes in the front of the output image (default 5).

  • formatter.layer.bit_name – Layer index of bit labels. Larger number comes in the front of the output image (default 5).

  • formatter.layer.frame_change – Layer index of frame change symbols. Larger number comes in the front of the output image (default 4).

  • formatter.layer.barrier – Layer index of barrier lines. Larger number comes in the front of the output image (default 1).

  • formatter.layer.gate_link – Layer index of gate link lines. Larger number comes in the front of the output image (default 2).

  • formatter.alpha.gate – Transparency of gate boxes. A value in the range from 0 to 1. The value 0 gives completely transparent boxes (default 1.0).

  • formatter.alpha.timeslot – Transparency of time slots. A value in the range from 0 to 1. The value 0 gives completely transparent boxes (default 0.7).

  • formatter.alpha.barrier – Transparency of barrier lines. A value in the range from 0 to 1. The value 0 gives completely transparent lines (default 0.5).

  • formatter.alpha.gate_link – Transparency of gate link lines. A value in the range from 0 to 1. The value 0 gives completely transparent lines (default 0.8).

  • formatter.line_width.gate – Line width of the fringe of gate boxes (default 0).

  • formatter.line_width.timeslot – Line width of the fringe of time slots (default 0).

  • formatter.line_width.barrier – Line width of barrier lines (default 3).

  • formatter.line_width.gate_link – Line width of gate links (default 3).

  • formatter.line_style.barrier – Line style of barrier lines. This conforms to the line style spec of matplotlib (default ‘-‘).

  • formatter.line_style.gate_link – Line style of gate link lines. This conforms to the line style spec of matplotlib (default ‘-‘).

  • formatter.text_size.gate_name – Text size of gate name annotations (default 12).

  • formatter.text_size.bit_name – Text size of bit labels (default 15).

  • formatter.text_size.frame_change – Text size of frame change symbols (default 18).

  • formatter.text_size.axis_label – Text size of axis labels (default 13).

  • formatter.label_offset.frame_change – Offset of zero duration gate name annotations from the zero line of time slot (default 0.25).

  • formatter.control.show_idle – Set True to show time slots without gate (default True).

  • formatter.control.show_clbits – Set True to show time slots of classical bits (default True).

  • formatter.control.show_barriers – Set True to show barriers (default True).

  • formatter.control.show_delays – Set True to show delay boxes (default True).

  • generator.gates – List of callback functions that generates drawings for gates. Arbitrary callback functions satisfying the generator format can be set here. There are some default generators in the timeline drawer. See generators for more details. No default generator is set (default []).

  • generator.bits – List of callback functions that generates drawings for bit labels and time slots. Arbitrary callback functions satisfying the generator format can be set here. There are some default generators in the timeline drawer. See generators for more details. No default generator is set (default []).

  • generator.barriers – List of callback functions that generates drawings for barriers. Arbitrary callback functions satisfying the generator format can be set here. There are some default generators in the timeline drawer. See generators for more details. No default generator is set (default []).

  • generator.gate_links – List of callback functions that generates drawings for gate links. Arbitrary callback functions satisfying the generator format can be set here. There are some default generators in the timeline drawer. See generators for more details. No default generator is set (default []).

  • layout.bit_arrange – Callback function that sorts bits. See layouts for more details. No default layout is set. (default None).

  • layout.time_axis_map – Callback function that determines the layout of horizontal axis labels. See layouts for more details. No default layout is set. (default None).


To visualize a scheduled circuit program, you can call this function with set of control arguments. Most of appearance of the output image can be controlled by the stylesheet.

Drawing with the default stylesheet.

from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, transpile, schedule
from qiskit.visualization.timeline import draw
from qiskit.test.mock import FakeAlmaden
qc = QuantumCircuit(2)
qc = transpile(qc, FakeAlmaden(), scheduling_method='alap', layout_method='trivial')

Drawing with the simple stylesheet.

from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, transpile, schedule
from qiskit.visualization.timeline import draw, IQXSimple
from qiskit.test.mock import FakeAlmaden
qc = QuantumCircuit(2)
qc = transpile(qc, FakeAlmaden(), scheduling_method='alap', layout_method='trivial')
draw(qc, style=IQXSimple())

Drawing with the stylesheet suited for program debugging.

from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, transpile, schedule
from qiskit.visualization.timeline import draw, IQXDebugging
from qiskit.test.mock import FakeAlmaden
qc = QuantumCircuit(2)
qc = transpile(qc, FakeAlmaden(), scheduling_method='alap', layout_method='trivial')
draw(qc, style=IQXDebugging())

You can partially customize a preset stylesheet when call it:

my_style = {
    'formatter.general.fig_width': 16,
    'formatter.general.fig_unit_height': 1
style = IQXStandard(**my_style)
# draw
draw(qc, style=style)

In the same way as above, you can create custom generator or layout functions and update existing stylesheet with custom functions. This feature enables you to control the most of appearance of the output image without modifying the codebase of the scheduled circuit drawer.

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