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This page is from an old version of Qiskit SDK and does not exist in the latest version. We recommend you migrate to the latest version. See the release notes for more information.

parallel_map(task, values, task_args=(), task_kwargs={}, num_processes=2)


Parallel execution of a mapping of values to the function task. This is functionally equivalent to:

result = [task(value, *task_args, **task_kwargs) for value in values]

On Windows this function defaults to a serial implementation to avoid the overhead from spawning processes in Windows.


  • task (func) – Function that is to be called for each value in values.
  • values (array_like) – List or array of values for which the task function is to be evaluated.
  • task_args (list) – Optional additional arguments to the task function.
  • task_kwargs (dict) – Optional additional keyword argument to the task function.
  • num_processes (int) – Number of processes to spawn.


The result list contains the value of

task(value, *task_args, **task_kwargs) for

each value in values.

Return type



QiskitError – If user interrupts via keyboard.


terra.parallel.start: The collection of parallel tasks are about to start. terra.parallel.update: One of the parallel task has finished. terra.parallel.finish: All the parallel tasks have finished.

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