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This page is from an old version of Qiskit SDK and does not exist in the latest version. We recommend you migrate to the latest version. See the release notes for more information.


pauli_group(number_of_qubits, case='weight')


DEPRECATED: Return the Pauli group with 4^n elements.

This function is deprecated. Use pauli_basis() for equivalent functionality.

The phases have been removed. case ‘weight’ is ordered by Pauli weights and case ‘tensor’ is ordered by I,X,Y,Z counting lowest qubit fastest.


  • number_of_qubits (int) – number of qubits
  • case (str) – determines ordering of group elements (‘weight’ or ‘tensor’)


list of Pauli objects

Return type



  • QiskitError – case is not ‘weight’ or ‘tensor’
  • QiskitError – number_of_qubits is larger than 4
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