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Module for builtin discrete pulses.

Note the sampling strategy use for all discrete pulses is midpoint.


constant(duration, amp[, name])Generates constant-sampled Waveform.
cos(duration, amp[, freq, phase, name])Generates cosine wave Waveform.
drag(duration, amp, sigma, beta[, name, …])Generates Y-only correction DRAG Waveform for standard nonlinear oscillator (SNO) [1].
gaussian(duration, amp, sigma[, name, zero_ends])Generates unnormalized gaussian Waveform.
gaussian_deriv(duration, amp, sigma[, name])Generates unnormalized gaussian derivative Waveform.
gaussian_square(duration, amp, sigma[, …])Generates gaussian square Waveform.
sawtooth(duration, amp[, freq, phase, name])Generates sawtooth wave Waveform.
sech(duration, amp, sigma[, name, zero_ends])Generates unnormalized sech Waveform.
sech_deriv(duration, amp, sigma[, name])Generates unnormalized sech derivative Waveform.
sin(duration, amp[, freq, phase, name])Generates sine wave Waveform.
square(duration, amp[, freq, phase, name])Generates square wave Waveform.
triangle(duration, amp[, freq, phase, name])Generates triangle wave Waveform.
zero(duration[, name])Generates zero-sampled Waveform.
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