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class MeasurementFilter(cal_matrix, state_labels)


Bases: object

Measurement error mitigation filter.

Produced from a measurement calibration fitter and can be applied to data.

Initialize a measurement error mitigation filter using the cal_matrix from a measurement calibration fitter.


  • cal_matrix (matrix) – the calibration matrix for applying the correction
  • state_labels (list) – the states for the ordering of the cal matrix



MeasurementFilter.apply(raw_data, method='least_squares')

Apply the calibration matrix to results.


  • raw_data (dict or list) –

    The data to be corrected. Can be in a number of forms:

    Form 1: a counts dictionary from results.get_counts

    Form 2: a list of counts of length==len(state_labels)

    Form 3: a list of counts of length==M*len(state_labels) where M is an integer (e.g. for use with the tomography data)

    Form 4: a qiskit Result

  • method (str) –

    fitting method. If None, then least_squares is used.

    pseudo_inverse: direct inversion of the A matrix

    least_squares: constrained to have physical probabilities


The corrected data in the same form as raw_data

Return type

dict or list


QiskitError – if raw_data is not an integer multiple of the number of calibrated states.



Return cal_matrix.


return the state label ordering of the cal matrix

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