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save_expectation_value_variance(self, operator, qubits, label='expectation_value_variance', unnormalized=False, pershot=False, conditional=False)


Save the expectation value of a Hermitian operator.


  • operator (Pauli orSparsePauliOp orOperator) – a Hermitian operator.
  • qubits (list) – circuit qubits to apply instruction.
  • label (str) – the key for retrieving saved data from results.
  • unnormalized (bool) – If True return save the unnormalized accumulated or conditional accumulated expectation value and variance over all shot [Default: False].
  • pershot (bool) – if True save a list of expectation values and variances for each shot of the simulation rather than the average over all shots [Default: False].
  • conditional (bool) – if True save the data conditional on the current classical register values [Default: False].


with attached instruction.

Return type



ExtensionError – if the input operator is invalid or not Hermitian.


This method appends a SaveExpectationValueVariance instruction to the quantum circuit.

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