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class QEOM(ground_state_solver, excitations='sd')


Bases: qiskit.chemistry.algorithms.excited_states_solvers.excited_states_solver.ExcitedStatesSolver

The calculation of excited states via the qEOM algorithm


  • ground_state_solver (GroundStateSolver) – a GroundStateSolver object. The qEOM algorithm will use this ground state to compute the EOM matrix elements
  • excitations (Union[str, List[List[int]]]) – The excitations to be included in the eom pseudo-eigenvalue problem. If a string (‘s’, ‘d’ or ‘sd’) then all excitations of the given type will be used. Otherwise a list of custom excitations can directly be provided.



QEOM.solve(driver, aux_operators=None)

Run the excited-states calculation.

Construct and solves the EOM pseudo-eigenvalue problem to obtain the excitation energies and the excitation operators expansion coefficients.


  • driver (BaseDriver) – a chemistry driver object which defines the chemical problem that is to be solved by this calculation.
  • aux_operators (Union[List[FermionicOperator], List[BosonicOperator], None]) – Additional auxiliary operators to evaluate. Must be of type FermionicOperator if the qubit transformation is fermionic and of type BosonicOperator it is bosonic.

Return type

Union[ElectronicStructureResult, VibronicStructureResult]


The excited states result. In case of a fermionic problem a ElectronicStructureResult is returned and in the bosonic case a VibronicStructureResult.



Returns the excitations to be included in the eom pseudo-eigenvalue problem.

Return type

Union[str, List[List[int]]]

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