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gateset_tomography_circuits(measured_qubits=None, gateset_basis='default')


Return a list of quantum gate set tomography (GST) circuits.

The circuits are fully constructed from the data given in gateset_basis. Note that currently this is only implemented for the single-qubits.


  • measured_qubits (Optional[List[int]]) – The qubits to perform GST. If None GST will be performed on qubit-0.
  • gateset_basis (Union[str, GateSetBasis]) – The gateset and SPAM data.

Return type



A list of QuantumCircuit objects containing the original circuit with state preparation circuits prepended, and measurement circuits appended.


QiskitError – If called for more than 1 measured qubit.

Additional Information:

Gate set tomography is performed on a gate set (G0, G1,…,Gm) with the additional information of SPAM circuits (F0,F1,…,Fn) that are constructed from the gates in the gate set.

In gate set tomography, we assume a single initial state rho and a single POVM measurement operator E. The SPAM circuits now provide us with a complete set of initial state F_j|rho> and measurements <E|F_i.

We perform three types of experiments:

  1. EFiGkFjρ\langle E | F_i G_k F_j |\rho \rangle for 1 <= i,j <= n

    and 1 <= k <= m: This experiment enables us to obtain data on the gate G_k

  2. EFiFjρ\langle E | F_i F_j |\rho \rangle for 1 <= i,j <= n:

    This experiment enables us to obtain the Gram matrix required to “invert” the results of experiments of type 1 in order to reconstruct (a matrix similar to) the gate G_k

  3. EFjρ\langle E | F_j |\rho \rangle for 1 <= j <= n:

    This experiment enables us to reconstruct <E| and rho

The result of this method is the set of all the circuits needed for these experiments, suitably labeled with a tuple of the corresponding gate/SPAM labels

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