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class SlsqpOptimizer(iter=100, acc=1e-06, iprint=0, trials=1, clip=100.0, full_output=False)


The SciPy SLSQP optimizer wrapped as an Qiskit OptimizationAlgorithm.

This class provides a wrapper for scipy.optimize.fmin_slsqp ( to be used within the optimization module. The arguments for fmin_slsqp are passed via the constructor.


>>> from qiskit.optimization.problems import QuadraticProgram
>>> from qiskit.optimization.algorithms import SlsqpOptimizer
>>> problem = QuadraticProgram()
>>> # specify problem here
>>> x = problem.continuous_var(name="x")
>>> y = problem.continuous_var(name="y")
>>> problem.maximize(linear=[2, 0], quadratic=[[-1, 2], [0, -2]])
>>> optimizer = SlsqpOptimizer()
>>> result = optimizer.solve(problem)

Initializes the SlsqpOptimizer.

This initializer takes the algorithmic parameters of SLSQP and stores them for later use of fmin_slsqp when solve() is invoked. This optimizer can be applied to find a (local) optimum for problems consisting of only continuous variables.


  • iter (int) – The maximum number of iterations.

  • acc (float) – Requested accuracy.

  • iprint (int) –

    The verbosity of fmin_slsqp :

    • iprint <= 0 : Silent operation
    • iprint == 1 : Print summary upon completion (default)
    • iprint >= 2 : Print status of each iterate and summary
  • trials (int) – The number of trials for multi-start method. The first trial is solved with the initial guess of zero. If more than one trial is specified then initial guesses are uniformly drawn from [lowerbound, upperbound] with potential clipping.

  • clip (float) – Clipping parameter for the initial guesses in the multi-start method. If a variable is unbounded then the lower bound and/or upper bound are replaced with the -clip or clip values correspondingly for the initial guesses.

  • full_output (bool) – If False, return only the minimizer of func (default). Otherwise, output final objective function and summary information.


__init__(iter=100, acc=1e-06, iprint=0, trials=1, clip=100.0, full_output=False)

Initializes the SlsqpOptimizer.

This initializer takes the algorithmic parameters of SLSQP and stores them for later use of fmin_slsqp when solve() is invoked. This optimizer can be applied to find a (local) optimum for problems consisting of only continuous variables.


  • iter (int) – The maximum number of iterations.

  • acc (float) – Requested accuracy.

  • iprint (int) –

    The verbosity of fmin_slsqp :

    • iprint <= 0 : Silent operation
    • iprint == 1 : Print summary upon completion (default)
    • iprint >= 2 : Print status of each iterate and summary
  • trials (int) – The number of trials for multi-start method. The first trial is solved with the initial guess of zero. If more than one trial is specified then initial guesses are uniformly drawn from [lowerbound, upperbound] with potential clipping.

  • clip (float) – Clipping parameter for the initial guesses in the multi-start method. If a variable is unbounded then the lower bound and/or upper bound are replaced with the -clip or clip values correspondingly for the initial guesses.

  • full_output (bool) – If False, return only the minimizer of func (default). Otherwise, output final objective function and summary information.


__init__([iter, acc, iprint, trials, clip, …])Initializes the SlsqpOptimizer.
get_compatibility_msg(problem)Checks whether a given problem can be solved with this optimizer.
is_compatible(problem)Checks whether a given problem can be solved with the optimizer implementing this method.
multi_start_solve(minimize, problem)Applies a multi start method given a local optimizer.
solve(problem)Tries to solves the given problem using the optimizer.


clipReturns the clip value for this optimizer.
trialsReturns the number of trials for this optimizer.


Returns the clip value for this optimizer.

Return type



The clip value.



Checks whether a given problem can be solved with this optimizer.

Checks whether the given problem is compatible, i.e., whether the problem contains only continuous variables, and otherwise, returns a message explaining the incompatibility.


problem (QuadraticProgram) – The optimization problem to check compatibility.

Return type



Returns a string describing the incompatibility.



Checks whether a given problem can be solved with the optimizer implementing this method.


problem (QuadraticProgram) – The optimization problem to check compatibility.

Return type



Returns True if the problem is compatible, False otherwise.


multi_start_solve(minimize, problem)

Applies a multi start method given a local optimizer.


  • minimize (Callable[[ndarray], Tuple[ndarray, Any]]) – A callable object that minimizes the problem specified
  • problem (QuadraticProgram) – A problem to solve

Return type



The result of the multi start algorithm applied to the problem.



Tries to solves the given problem using the optimizer.

Runs the optimizer to try to solve the optimization problem.


problem (QuadraticProgram) – The problem to be solved.

Return type



The result of the optimizer applied to the problem.


QiskitOptimizationError – If the problem is incompatible with the optimizer.


Returns the number of trials for this optimizer.

Return type



The number of trials.

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