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class ScheduleConfig(inst_map, meas_map, dt)


Configuration for pulse scheduling.

Container for information needed to schedule a QuantumCircuit into a pulse Schedule.


  • inst_map (InstructionScheduleMap) – The schedule definition of all gates supported on a backend.
  • meas_map (List[List[int]]) – A list of groups of qubits which have to be measured together.
  • dt (float) – Sample duration.


__init__(inst_map, meas_map, dt)

Container for information needed to schedule a QuantumCircuit into a pulse Schedule.


  • inst_map (InstructionScheduleMap) – The schedule definition of all gates supported on a backend.
  • meas_map (List[List[int]]) – A list of groups of qubits which have to be measured together.
  • dt (float) – Sample duration.


__init__(inst_map, meas_map, dt)Container for information needed to schedule a QuantumCircuit into a pulse Schedule.
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