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basic_device_gate_errors(properties, gate_error=True, thermal_relaxation=True, gate_lengths=None, gate_length_units='ns', temperature=0, standard_gates=True, warnings=True)


Return QuantumErrors derived from a devices BackendProperties.

If non-default values are used gate_lengths should be a list of tuples (name, qubits, value) where name is the gate name string, qubits is either a list of qubits or None to apply gate time to this gate one any set of qubits, and value is the gate time in nanoseconds.


  • properties (BackendProperties) – device backend properties
  • gate_error (bool) – Include depolarizing gate errors (Default: True).
  • thermal_relaxation (Bool) – Include thermal relaxation errors (Default: True).
  • gate_lengths (list) – Override device gate times with custom values. If None use gate times from backend properties. (Default: None).
  • gate_length_units (str) – Time units for gate length values in gate_lengths. Can be ‘ns’, ‘ms’, ‘us’, or ‘s’ (Default: ‘ns’).
  • temperature (double) – qubit temperature in milli-Kelvin (mK) (Default: 0).
  • standard_gates (bool) – If true return errors as standard qobj gates. If false return as unitary qobj instructions (Default: True).
  • warnings (bool) – Display warnings (Default: True).


A list of tuples (label, qubits, QuantumError), for gates with non-zero quantum error terms, where label is the label of the noisy gate, qubits is the list of qubits for the gate.

Return type


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