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class RecursiveMinimumEigenOptimizationResult(x, fval, variables, status, replacements, history)


Recursive Eigen Optimizer Result.

Constructs an instance of the result class.


  • x (Union[List[float], ndarray]) – the optimal value found in the optimization.
  • fval (float) – the optimal function value.
  • variables (List[Variable]) – the list of variables of the optimization problem.
  • status (OptimizationResultStatus) – the termination status of the optimization algorithm.
  • replacements (Dict[str, Tuple[str, int]]) – a dictionary of substituted variables. Key is a variable being substituted, value is a tuple of substituting variable and a weight, either 1 or -1.
  • history (Tuple[List[MinimumEigenOptimizationResult], OptimizationResult]) – a tuple containing intermediate results. The first element is a list of MinimumEigenOptimizerResult obtained by invoking MinimumEigenOptimizer iteratively, the second element is an instance of OptimizationResult obtained at the last step via min_num_vars_optimizer.


__init__(x, fval, variables, status, replacements, history)

Constructs an instance of the result class.


  • x (Union[List[float], ndarray]) – the optimal value found in the optimization.
  • fval (float) – the optimal function value.
  • variables (List[Variable]) – the list of variables of the optimization problem.
  • status (OptimizationResultStatus) – the termination status of the optimization algorithm.
  • replacements (Dict[str, Tuple[str, int]]) – a dictionary of substituted variables. Key is a variable being substituted, value is a tuple of substituting variable and a weight, either 1 or -1.
  • history (Tuple[List[MinimumEigenOptimizationResult], OptimizationResult]) – a tuple containing intermediate results. The first element is a list of MinimumEigenOptimizerResult obtained by invoking MinimumEigenOptimizer iteratively, the second element is an instance of OptimizationResult obtained at the last step via min_num_vars_optimizer.


__init__(x, fval, variables, status, …)Constructs an instance of the result class.


fvalReturns the optimal function value.
historyReturns intermediate results.
raw_resultsReturn the original results object from the optimization algorithm.
replacementsReturns a dictionary of substituted variables.
statusReturns the termination status of the optimization algorithm.
variable_namesReturns the list of variable names of the optimization problem.
variablesReturns the list of variables of the optimization problem.
variables_dictReturns the optimal value as a dictionary of the variable name and corresponding value.
xReturns the optimal value found in the optimization or None in case of FAILURE.


Returns the optimal function value.

Return type



The function value corresponding to the optimal value found in the optimization.


Returns intermediate results. The first element is a list of MinimumEigenOptimizerResult obtained by invoking MinimumEigenOptimizer iteratively, the second element is an instance of OptimizationResult obtained at the last step via min_num_vars_optimizer.

Return type

Tuple[List[MinimumEigenOptimizationResult], OptimizationResult]


Return the original results object from the optimization algorithm.

Currently a dump for any leftovers.

Return type



Additional result information of the optimization algorithm.


Returns a dictionary of substituted variables. Key is a variable being substituted, value is a tuple of substituting variable and a weight, either 1 or -1.

Return type

Dict[str, Tuple[str, int]]


Returns the termination status of the optimization algorithm.

Return type



The termination status of the algorithm.


Returns the list of variable names of the optimization problem.

Return type



The list of variable names of the optimization problem.


Returns the list of variables of the optimization problem.

Return type



The list of variables.


Returns the optimal value as a dictionary of the variable name and corresponding value.

Return type

Dict[str, float]


The optimal value as a dictionary of the variable name and corresponding value.


Returns the optimal value found in the optimization or None in case of FAILURE.

Return type



The optimal value found in the optimization.

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