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class RBFitter(backend_result, cliff_lengths, rb_pattern=None)


Class for fitters for randomized benchmarking.


  • backend_result (Result) – list of results (qiskit.Result).
  • cliff_lengths (list) – the Clifford lengths, 2D list i x j where i is the number of patterns, j is the number of cliffords lengths.
  • rb_pattern (list) – the pattern for the RB sequences.


__init__(backend_result, cliff_lengths, rb_pattern=None)


  • backend_result (Result) – list of results (qiskit.Result).
  • cliff_lengths (list) – the Clifford lengths, 2D list i x j where i is the number of patterns, j is the number of cliffords lengths.
  • rb_pattern (list) – the pattern for the RB sequences.


__init__(backend_result, cliff_lengths[, …])param backend_resultlist of results (qiskit.Result).
add_data(new_backend_result[, rerun_fit])Add a new result.
calc_data()Retrieve probabilities of success from execution results.
calc_statistics()Extract averages and std dev from the raw data (self._raw_data).
fit_data()Fit the RB results to an exponential curve.
fit_data_pattern(patt_ind, fit_guess)Fit the RB results of a particular pattern to an exponential curve.
plot_rb_data([pattern_index, ax, add_label, …])Plot randomized benchmarking data of a single pattern.


cliff_lengthsReturn clifford lengths.
fitReturn fit.
raw_dataReturn raw data.
rb_fit_funReturn the fit function rb_fit_fun.
resultsReturn all the results.
seedsReturn the number of loaded seeds.
ydataReturn ydata (means and std devs).


add_data(new_backend_result, rerun_fit=True)

Add a new result. Re calculate the raw data, means and fit.


  • new_backend_result (list) – list of RB results.
  • rerun_fit (bool) – re calculate the means and fit the result.

Additional information:

Assumes that the executed ‘result’ is the output of circuits generated by randomized_benchmarking_seq.



Retrieve probabilities of success from execution results.

Outputs results into an internal variable _raw_data which is a 3-dimensional list, where item (i,j,k) is the probability to measure the ground state for the set of qubits in pattern “i” for seed no. j and vector length self._cliff_lengths[i][k].

Additional information:

Assumes that the executed ‘result’ is the output of circuits generated by randomized_benchmarking_seq.



Extract averages and std dev from the raw data (self._raw_data).

Assumes that self._calc_data has been run. Output into internal _ydata variable. ydata is a list of dictionaries (length number of patterns). Dictionary ydata[i]:

  • ydata[i][‘mean’] is a numpy_array of length n; entry j of this array contains the mean probability of success over seeds, for vector length self._cliff_lengths[i][j].
  • ydata[i][‘std’] is a numpy_array of length n; entry j of this array contains the std of the probability of success over seeds, for vector length self._cliff_lengths[i][j].


Return clifford lengths.


Return fit.



Fit the RB results to an exponential curve.

Fit each of the patterns. Use the data to construct guess values for the fits.

Puts the results into a list of fit dictionaries where each dictionary corresponds to a pattern and has fields:

  • params - three parameters of rb_fit_fun. The middle one is the exponent.
  • err - the error limits of the parameters.
  • epc - error per Clifford.


fit_data_pattern(patt_ind, fit_guess)

Fit the RB results of a particular pattern to an exponential curve.


  • patt_ind (int) – index of the data pattern to fit.
  • fit_guess (list) – guess values for the fit.

Puts the results into a list of fit dictionaries where each dictionary corresponds to a pattern and has fields:

  • params - three parameters of rb_fit_fun. The middle one is the exponent.
  • err - the error limits of the parameters.
  • epc - error per Clifford.


plot_rb_data(pattern_index=0, ax=None, add_label=True, show_plt=True)

Plot randomized benchmarking data of a single pattern.


  • pattern_index (int) – which RB pattern to plot.
  • ax (Axes) – plot axis (if passed in).
  • add_label (bool) – Add an EPC label.
  • show_plt (bool) – display the plot.


ImportError – if matplotlib is not installed.


Return raw data.


Return the fit function rb_fit_fun.


Return all the results.


Return the number of loaded seeds.


Return ydata (means and std devs).

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