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class BConfig(backend, indicator=True)


This class is used to create a GHZ circuit with parallellized CNOT gates to increase fidelity


__init__(backend, indicator=True)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


__init__(backend[, indicator])Initialize self.
get_ghz_layout(n[, transpiled, barriered])Feeds the Tier Dict of the backend to create a basic qiskit GHZ circuit with no measurement; :type n: int :param n: number of qubits :type transpiled: bool :param transpiled: toggle on/off transpilation - useful for tomography :type barriered: bool :param barriered: yes/no whether to barrier each step of CNOT gates
get_ghz_mqc(n, delta[, full_measurement])This function creates an MQC circuit with n qubits, where the middle phase rotation around the z axis is by delta
get_ghz_mqc_para(n[, full_measurement])Get a parametrized MQC circuit.
get_ghz_po(n, delta)This function creates an Parity Oscillation circuit with n qubits, where the middle superposition rotation around the x and y axes is by delta
get_ghz_po_para(n)Get a parametrized PO circuit.
get_ghz_simple(n[, full_measurement])Get simple GHZ circuit with measurement
get_measurement_circ(n, qregname, cregname)Creates a measurement circuit that can toggle between measuring the control qubit or measuring all qubits.
get_tier_dict()Take the nodes of the BConfig to create a Tier Dictionary, where keys are the steps in the process, and the values are the connections following pattern of: [controlled qubit, NOT qubit].


get_ghz_layout(n, transpiled=True, barriered=True)

Feeds the Tier Dict of the backend to create a basic qiskit GHZ circuit with no measurement; :type n: int :param n: number of qubits :type transpiled: bool :param transpiled: toggle on/off transpilation - useful for tomography :type barriered: bool :param barriered: yes/no whether to barrier each step of CNOT gates

Return type

Tuple[QuantumCircuit, Dict]


A GHZ Circuit and its initial GHZ layout


get_ghz_mqc(n, delta, full_measurement=True)

This function creates an MQC circuit with n qubits, where the middle phase rotation around the z axis is by delta


  • n (int) – number of qubits
  • delta (float) – the rotation of the middle phase around the z axis
  • full_measurement (bool) – Whether to append full measurement, or only on the first qubit

Return type

Tuple[QuantumCircuit, Dict]


The MQC circuit and the initial GHZ layout


get_ghz_mqc_para(n, full_measurement=True)

Get a parametrized MQC circuit. Remember that get_counts() method accepts an index now, not a circuit


  • n (int) – number of qubits
  • full_measurement (bool) – Whether to append full measurement, or only on the first qubit

Return type

Tuple[QuantumCircuit, Parameter, Dict]


The MQC circuit, its delta parameter, and the initial GHZ layout


get_ghz_po(n, delta)

This function creates an Parity Oscillation circuit with n qubits, where the middle superposition rotation around the x and y axes is by delta


  • n (int) – number of qubits
  • delta (float) – the middle superposition rotation

Return type

Tuple[QuantumCircuit, Dict]


The Parity Oscillation circuit and the initial GHZ layout



Get a parametrized PO circuit. Remember that get_counts() method accepts an index now, not a circuit. The two phase parameters are a quirk of the Parameter module


n (int) – number of qubits

Return type

Tuple[QuantumCircuit, List[Parameter], Dict]


A parity oscillation circuit, its Delta/minus-delta parameters,

and the initial ghz layout


get_ghz_simple(n, full_measurement=True)

Get simple GHZ circuit with measurement


  • n (int) – number of qubits
  • full_measurement (bool) – Whether to append full measurement, or only on the first qubit

Return type

Tuple[QuantumCircuit, QuantumRegister, Dict]


A GHZ Circuit, its measurement circle quantum register and the initial GHZ layout


get_measurement_circ(n, qregname, cregname, full_measurement=True)

Creates a measurement circuit that can toggle between measuring the control qubit or measuring all qubits. The default is measurement of all qubits.


  • n (int) – number of qubits
  • qregname (str) – name of the qubit register
  • cregname (str) – name of the classical register
  • full_measurement (bool) – Whether to append full measurement, or only on the first qubit

Return type



The measurement circuit



Take the nodes of the BConfig to create a Tier Dictionary, where keys are the steps in the process, and the values are the connections following pattern of: [controlled qubit, NOT qubit]. Thus the backend’s GHZ state is parallelized.

Return type



Tier dictionary - [step in process, control-target connection]

Facilitates parallelized GHZ circuits

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