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class TensoredMeasFitter(results, mit_pattern, substate_labels_list=None, circlabel='')


Measurement correction fitter for a tensored calibration.

Initialize a measurement calibration matrix from the results of running the circuits returned by measurement_calibration_circuits.


  • results (Union[Result, List[Result]]) – the results of running the measurement calibration circuits. If this is None, the user will set calibration matrices later.
  • mit_pattern (List[List[int]]) – qubits to perform the measurement correction on, divided to groups according to tensors
  • substate_labels_list (Optional[List[List[str]]]) – for each calibration matrix, the labels of its rows and columns. If None, the labels are ordered lexicographically
  • circlabel (str) – if the qubits were labeled


ValueError – if the mit_pattern doesn’t match the substate_labels_list


__init__(results, mit_pattern, substate_labels_list=None, circlabel='')

Initialize a measurement calibration matrix from the results of running the circuits returned by measurement_calibration_circuits.


  • results (Union[Result, List[Result]]) – the results of running the measurement calibration circuits. If this is None, the user will set calibration matrices later.
  • mit_pattern (List[List[int]]) – qubits to perform the measurement correction on, divided to groups according to tensors
  • substate_labels_list (Optional[List[List[str]]]) – for each calibration matrix, the labels of its rows and columns. If None, the labels are ordered lexicographically
  • circlabel (str) – if the qubits were labeled


ValueError – if the mit_pattern doesn’t match the substate_labels_list


__init__(results, mit_pattern[, …])Initialize a measurement calibration matrix from the results of running the circuits returned by measurement_calibration_circuits.
add_data(new_results[, rebuild_cal_matrix])Add measurement calibration data
plot_calibration([cal_index, ax, show_plot])Plot one of the calibration matrices (2D color grid plot).
readout_fidelity([cal_index, label_list])Based on the results, output the readout fidelity, which is the average of the diagonal entries in the calibration matrices.


cal_matricesReturn cal_matrices.
filterReturn a measurement filter using the cal matrices.
nqubitsReturn _qubit_list_sizes.
substate_labels_listReturn _substate_labels_list.


add_data(new_results, rebuild_cal_matrix=True)

Add measurement calibration data


  • new_results (list or qiskit.result.Result) – a single result or list of Result objects.
  • rebuild_cal_matrix (bool) – rebuild the calibration matrix


Return cal_matrices.


Return a measurement filter using the cal matrices.


Return _qubit_list_sizes.


plot_calibration(cal_index=0, ax=None, show_plot=True)

Plot one of the calibration matrices (2D color grid plot).


  • cal_index (integer) – calibration matrix to plot
  • ax (matplotlib.axes) – settings for the graph
  • show_plot (bool) – call


  • QiskitError – if _cal_matrices was not set.
  • ImportError – if matplotlib was not installed.


readout_fidelity(cal_index=0, label_list=None)

Based on the results, output the readout fidelity, which is the average of the diagonal entries in the calibration matrices.


  • cal_index (integer) – readout fidelity for this index in _cal_matrices
  • label_list (list) – Returns the average fidelity over of the groups f states. In the form of a list of lists of states. If None, then each state used in the construction of the calibration matrices forms a group of size 1


The readout fidelity (assignment fidelity)

Return type



QiskitError – If the calibration matrix has not been set for the object.

Additional Information:

The on-diagonal elements of the calibration matrices are the probabilities of measuring state ‘x’ given preparation of state ‘x’.


Return _substate_labels_list.

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