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class IgnisLogReader


Class to read from Ignis log files

Reads and constructs tabular representation of logged data based on date/time and key criteria



Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


__init__()Initialize self.
get_log_files()Get Names of all log files (several may be present due to logging file rotation).
read_values([log_files, keys, …])Retrieve log lines using key and date/time filtering criteria



Get Names of all log files (several may be present due to logging file rotation). File names are sorted by modification time.


list of all log file names

Return type



read_values(log_files=None, keys=None, from_datetime=None, from_datetime_format=None, to_datetime=None, to_datetime_format=None)

Retrieve log lines using key and date/time filtering criteria


log_files: List of log files to read from keys: Retrieve only key value pairs of corresponding to keys A row with no matching keys will not be retrieved. If not specified, all keys are retrieved (optional)

from_datetime(None): Retrieve only rows newer than the given date and time

from_datetime_format(None): datetime format string. If not specified will assume “%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S”

to_datetime(None): Retrieve only rows older than the given date and time

to_datetime_format(None): datetime format string. If not specified will assume “%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S”


A list containing the retrieved rows of key pair values

Return type


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