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Given an operator that represents either a quantum state resp. an expectation value, the gradient framework enables the evaluation of gradients, natural gradients, Hessians, as well as the Quantum Fisher Information.

Suppose a parameterized quantum state |ψ(θ)〉 = V(θ)|ψ〉 with input state |ψ〉 and parametrized Ansatz V(θ), and an Operator O(ω).


We want to compute one of: * dψ(θ)O(ω)ψ(θ)/dωd⟨ψ(θ)|O(ω)|ψ(θ)〉/ dω * dψ(θ)O(ω)ψ(θ)/dθd⟨ψ(θ)|O(ω)|ψ(θ)〉/ dθ * dψ(θ)iiψ(θ)/dθd⟨ψ(θ)|i〉⟨i|ψ(θ)〉/ dθ

The last case corresponds to the gradient w.r.t. the sampling probabilities of |ψ(θ). These gradients can be computed with different methods, i.e. a parameter shift, a linear combination of unitaries and a finite difference method.


x = Parameter('x')
ham = x * X
a = Parameter('a')
q = QuantumRegister(1)
qc = QuantumCircuit(q)
qc.p(params[0], q[0])
op = ~StateFn(ham) @ CircuitStateFn(primitive=qc, coeff=1.)
value_dict = {x: 0.1, a: np.pi / 4}
ham_grad = Gradient(grad_method='param_shift').convert(operator=op, params=[x])
state_grad = Gradient(grad_method='lin_comb').convert(operator=op, params=[a])
prob_grad = Gradient(grad_method='fin_diff').convert(
   operator=CircuitStateFn(primitive=qc, coeff=1.), params=[a]


We want to compute one of: * d2ψ(θ)O(ω)ψ(θ)/dω2d^2⟨ψ(θ)|O(ω)|ψ(θ)〉/ dω^2 * d2ψ(θ)O(ω)ψ(θ)/dθ2d^2⟨ψ(θ)|O(ω)|ψ(θ)〉/ dθ^2 * d2ψ(θ)O(ω)ψ(θ)/dθdωd^2⟨ψ(θ)|O(ω)|ψ(θ)〉/ dθ dω * d2ψ(θ)iiψ(θ)/dθ2d^2⟨ψ(θ)|i〉⟨i|ψ(θ)〉/ dθ^2

The last case corresponds to the Hessian w.r.t. the sampling probabilities of |ψ(θ)〉. Just as the first order gradients, the Hessians can be evaluated with different methods, i.e. a parameter shift, a linear combination of unitaries and a finite difference method. Given a tuple of parameters Hessian().convert(op, param_tuple) returns the value for the second order derivative. If a list of parameters is given Hessian().convert(op, param_list) returns the full Hessian for all the given parameters according to the given parameter order.


The Quantum Fisher Information QFI is a metric tensor which is representative for the representation capacity of a parameterized quantum state |ψ(θ)〉 = V(θ)|ψ〉 generated by an input state |ψ〉 and a parametrized Ansatz V(θ). The entries of the QFI for a pure state read QFIkl=4Re[kψlψkψψ〉〈ψlψ]\mathrm{QFI}_{kl} = 4 \mathrm{Re}[〈∂kψ|∂lψ〉−〈∂kψ|ψ〉〈ψ|∂lψ〉].

Just as for the previous derivative types, the QFI can be computed using different methods: a full representation based on a linear combination of unitaries implementation, a block-diagonal and a diagonal representation based on an overlap method.


q = QuantumRegister(1)
qc = QuantumCircuit(q)
qc.p(params[0], q[0])
op = ~StateFn(ham) @ CircuitStateFn(primitive=qc, coeff=1.)
value_dict = {x: 0.1, a: np.pi / 4}
qfi = QFI('lin_comb_full').convert(
      operator=CircuitStateFn(primitive=qc, coeff=1.), params=[a]


The natural gradient is a special gradient method which re-scales a gradient w.r.t. a state parameter with the inverse of the corresponding Quantum Fisher Information (QFI) QFI1dψ(θ)O(ω)ψ(θ)/dθ\mathrm{QFI}^{-1} d⟨ψ(θ)|O(ω)|ψ(θ)〉/ dθ. Hereby, we can choose a gradient as well as a QFI method and a regularization method which is used together with a least square solver instead of exact inversion of the QFI:


op = ~StateFn(ham) @ CircuitStateFn(primitive=qc, coeff=1.)
nat_grad = NaturalGradient(grad_method='lin_comb,
                           regularization='ridge').convert(operator=op, params=params)

The derivative classes come with a gradient_wrapper() function which returns the corresponding callable and are thus compatible with the optimizers from qiskit.aqua.components.optimizers.

Base Classes

DerivativeBaseBase class for differentiating opflow objects.
GradientBaseBase class for first-order operator gradient.
HessianBaseBase class for the Hessian of an expected value.
QFIBaseBase class for Quantum Fisher Information (QFI).


CircuitGradientCircuit to gradient operator converter.
CircuitQFICircuit to Quantum Fisher Information operator converter.


GradientConvert an operator expression to the first-order gradient.
HessianCompute the Hessian of an expected value.
NaturalGradientConvert an operator expression to the first-order gradient.
QFICompute the Quantum Fisher Information (QFI).
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