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class MaximumLikelihoodAmplitudeEstimation(num_oracle_circuits, state_preparation=None, grover_operator=None, objective_qubits=None, post_processing=None, a_factory=None, q_factory=None, i_objective=None, likelihood_evals=None, quantum_instance=None)


The Maximum Likelihood Amplitude Estimation algorithm.

This class implements the quantum amplitude estimation (QAE) algorithm without phase estimation, as introduced in [1]. In comparison to the original QAE algorithm [2], this implementation relies solely on different powers of the Grover operator and does not require additional evaluation qubits. Finally, the estimate is determined via a maximum likelihood estimation, which is why this class in named MaximumLikelihoodAmplitudeEstimation.


[1]: Suzuki, Y., Uno, S., Raymond, R., Tanaka, T., Onodera, T., & Yamamoto, N. (2019).

Amplitude Estimation without Phase Estimation. arXiv:1904.10246.

[2]: Brassard, G., Hoyer, P., Mosca, M., & Tapp, A. (2000).

Quantum Amplitude Amplification and Estimation. arXiv:quant-ph/0005055.


  • num_oracle_circuits (int) – The number of circuits applying different powers of the Grover oracle Q. The (num_oracle_circuits + 1) executed circuits will be [id, Q^2^0, …, Q^2^{num_oracle_circuits-1}] A |0>, where A is the problem unitary encoded in the argument a_factory. Has a minimum value of 1.
  • state_preparation (Union[QuantumCircuit, CircuitFactory, None]) – A circuit preparing the input state, referred to as A\mathcal{A}.
  • grover_operator (Union[QuantumCircuit, CircuitFactory, None]) – The Grover operator Q\mathcal{Q} used as unitary in the phase estimation circuit.
  • objective_qubits (Optional[List[int]]) – A list of qubit indices. A measurement outcome is classified as ‘good’ state if all objective qubits are in state 1|1\rangle, otherwise it is classified as ‘bad’.
  • post_processing (Optional[Callable[[float], float]]) – A mapping applied to the estimate of 0a10 \leq a \leq 1, usually used to map the estimate to a target interval.
  • a_factory (Optional[CircuitFactory]) – The CircuitFactory subclass object representing the problem unitary.
  • q_factory (Optional[CircuitFactory]) – The CircuitFactory subclass object representing. an amplitude estimation sample (based on a_factory)
  • i_objective (Optional[int]) – The index of the objective qubit, i.e. the qubit marking ‘good’ solutions with the state |1> and ‘bad’ solutions with the state |0>
  • likelihood_evals (Optional[int]) – The number of gridpoints for the maximum search of the likelihood function
  • quantum_instance (Union[QuantumInstance, Backend, BaseBackend, None]) – Quantum Instance or Backend


__init__(num_oracle_circuits, state_preparation=None, grover_operator=None, objective_qubits=None, post_processing=None, a_factory=None, q_factory=None, i_objective=None, likelihood_evals=None, quantum_instance=None)


  • num_oracle_circuits (int) – The number of circuits applying different powers of the Grover oracle Q. The (num_oracle_circuits + 1) executed circuits will be [id, Q^2^0, …, Q^2^{num_oracle_circuits-1}] A |0>, where A is the problem unitary encoded in the argument a_factory. Has a minimum value of 1.
  • state_preparation (Union[QuantumCircuit, CircuitFactory, None]) – A circuit preparing the input state, referred to as A\mathcal{A}.
  • grover_operator (Union[QuantumCircuit, CircuitFactory, None]) – The Grover operator Q\mathcal{Q} used as unitary in the phase estimation circuit.
  • objective_qubits (Optional[List[int]]) – A list of qubit indices. A measurement outcome is classified as ‘good’ state if all objective qubits are in state 1|1\rangle, otherwise it is classified as ‘bad’.
  • post_processing (Optional[Callable[[float], float]]) – A mapping applied to the estimate of 0a10 \leq a \leq 1, usually used to map the estimate to a target interval.
  • a_factory (Optional[CircuitFactory]) – The CircuitFactory subclass object representing the problem unitary.
  • q_factory (Optional[CircuitFactory]) – The CircuitFactory subclass object representing. an amplitude estimation sample (based on a_factory)
  • i_objective (Optional[int]) – The index of the objective qubit, i.e. the qubit marking ‘good’ solutions with the state |1> and ‘bad’ solutions with the state |0>
  • likelihood_evals (Optional[int]) – The number of gridpoints for the maximum search of the likelihood function
  • quantum_instance (Union[QuantumInstance, Backend, BaseBackend, None]) – Quantum Instance or Backend


__init__(num_oracle_circuits[, …])type num_oracle_circuitsint
confidence_interval(alpha[, kind])Compute the alpha confidence interval using the method kind.
construct_circuits([measurement])Construct the Amplitude Estimation w/o QPE quantum circuits.
is_good_state(measurement)Determine whether a given state is a good state.
post_processing(value)Post processing of the raw amplitude estimation output 0a10 \leq a \leq 1.
run([quantum_instance])Execute the algorithm with selected backend.
set_backend(backend, **kwargs)Sets backend with configuration.


a_factoryGet the A operator encoding the amplitude a that’s approximated, i.e.
backendReturns backend.
grover_operatorGet the Q\mathcal{Q} operator, or Grover operator.
i_objectiveGet the index of the objective qubit.
objective_qubitsGet the criterion for a measurement outcome to be in a ‘good’ state.
q_factoryGet the Q operator, or Grover-operator for the Amplitude Estimation algorithm, i.e.
quantum_instanceReturns quantum instance.
randomReturn a numpy random.
state_preparationGet the A\mathcal{A} operator encoding the amplitude aa.


Get the A operator encoding the amplitude a that’s approximated, i.e.

A |0>_n |0> = sqrt{1 - a} |psi_0>_n |0> + sqrt{a} |psi_1>_n |1>

see the original Brassard paper ( for more detail.


the A operator as CircuitFactory

Return type



Returns backend.

Return type

Union[Backend, BaseBackend]


confidence_interval(alpha, kind='fisher')

Compute the alpha confidence interval using the method kind.

The confidence level is (1 - alpha) and supported kinds are ‘fisher’, ‘likelihood_ratio’ and ‘observed_fisher’ with shorthand notations ‘fi’, ‘lr’ and ‘oi’, respectively.


  • alpha (float) – The confidence level.
  • kind (str) – The method to compute the confidence interval. Defaults to ‘fisher’, which computes the theoretical Fisher information.

Return type



The specified confidence interval.


  • AquaError – If run() hasn’t been called yet.
  • NotImplementedError – If the method kind is not supported.



Construct the Amplitude Estimation w/o QPE quantum circuits.


measurement (bool) – Boolean flag to indicate if measurement should be included in the circuits.

Return type



A list with the QuantumCircuit objects for the algorithm.


Get the Q\mathcal{Q} operator, or Grover operator.

If the Grover operator is not set, we try to build it from the A\mathcal{A} operator and objective_qubits. This only works if objective_qubits is a list of integers.

Return type



The Grover operator, or None if neither the Grover operator nor the A\mathcal{A} operator is set.


Get the index of the objective qubit. The objective qubit marks the |psi_0> state (called ‘bad states’ in with |0> and |psi_1> (‘good’ states) with |1>. If the A operator performs the mapping

A |0>_n |0> = sqrt{1 - a} |psi_0>_n |0> + sqrt{a} |psi_1>_n |1>

then, the objective qubit is the last one (which is either |0> or |1>).

If the objective qubit (i_objective) is not set, we check if the Q operator (q_factory) is set and return the index specified there. If the q_factory is not defined, the index equals the number of qubits of the A operator (a_factory) minus one. If also the a_factory is not set, return None.


the index of the objective qubit

Return type




Determine whether a given state is a good state.


measurement (str) – A measurement as bitstring, e.g. ‘01100’.

Return type



True if the measurement corresponds to a good state, False otherwise.


ValueError – If self.objective_qubits is not set.


Get the criterion for a measurement outcome to be in a ‘good’ state.

Return type



The criterion as list of qubit indices.



Post processing of the raw amplitude estimation output 0a10 \leq a \leq 1.


value (float) – The estimation value aa.

Return type



The value after post processing, usually mapping the interval [0,1][0, 1] to the target interval.


Get the Q operator, or Grover-operator for the Amplitude Estimation algorithm, i.e.

Q=AS0ASf,\mathcal{Q} = \mathcal{A} \mathcal{S}_0 \mathcal{A}^\dagger \mathcal{S}_f,

where S0\mathcal{S}_0 reflects about the |0>_n state and S_psi0 reflects about Ψ0n|\Psi_0\rangle_n. See for more detail.

If the Q operator is not set, we try to build it from the A operator. If neither the A operator is set, None is returned.


returns the current Q factory of the algorithm

Return type



Returns quantum instance.

Return type



Return a numpy random.


run(quantum_instance=None, **kwargs)

Execute the algorithm with selected backend.


  • quantum_instance (Union[QuantumInstance, Backend, BaseBackend, None]) – the experimental setting.
  • kwargs (dict) – kwargs


results of an algorithm.

Return type



AquaError – If a quantum instance or backend has not been provided


set_backend(backend, **kwargs)

Sets backend with configuration.

Return type



Get the A\mathcal{A} operator encoding the amplitude aa.

Return type



The A\mathcal{A} operator as QuantumCircuit.

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