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Providers Interface


This module contains the classes used to build external providers for Terra. A provider is anything that provides an external service to Terra. The typical example of this is a Backend provider which provides Backend objects which can be used for executing QuantumCircuit and/or Schedule objects. This module contains the abstract classes which are used to define the interface between a provider and terra.

Version Support

Each providers interface abstract class is individually versioned. When we need to make a change to an interface a new abstract class will be created to define the new interface. These interface changes are not guaranteed to be backwards compatible between versions.

Version Changes

Each minor version release of qiskit-terra may increment the version of any providers interface a single version number. It will be an aggreagate of all the interface changes for that release on that interface.

Version Support Policy

To enable providers to have time to adjust to changes in this interface Terra will support support multiple versions of each class at once. Given the nature of one version per release the version deprecation policy is a bit more conservative than the standard deprecation policy. Terra will support a provider interface version for a minimum of 3 minor releases or the first release after 6 months from the release that introduced a version, whichever is longer, prior to a potential deprecation. After that the standard deprecation policy will apply to that interface version. This will give providers and users sufficient time to adapt to potential breaking changes in the interface. So for example lets say in 0.19.0 BackendV2 is introduced and in the 3 months after the release of 0.19.0 we release 0.20.0, 0.21.0, and 0.22.0, then 7 months after 0.19.0 we release 0.23.0. In 0.23.0 we can deprecate BackendV2, and it needs to still be supported and can’t be removed until the deprecation policy completes.

It’s worth pointing out that Terra’s version support policy doesn’t mean providers themselves will have the same support story, they can (and arguably should) update to newer versions as soon as they can, the support window is just for Terra’s supported versions. Part of this lengthy window prior to deprecation is to give providers enough time to do their own deprecation of a potential end user impacting change in a user facing part of the interface prior to bumping their version. For example, lets say we changed the signature to in BackendV34 in a backwards incompatible way, before Aer could update its AerBackend class to use version 34 they’d need to deprecate the old signature prior to switching over. The changeover for Aer is not guaranteed to be lockstep with Terra so we need to ensure there is a sufficient amount of time for Aer to complete it’s deprecation cycle prior to removing version 33 (ie making version 34 mandatory/the minimum version).

Abstract Classes


Provider()Base common type for all versioned Provider abstract classes.
ProviderV1()Base class for a Backend Provider.


Backend()Base common type for all versioned Backend abstract classes.
BackendV1(configuration[, provider])Abstract class for Backends


OptionsBase options object


Job()Base common type for all versioned Job abstract classes.
JobV1(backend, job_id, **kwargs)Class to handle jobs

Legacy Provider Interface Base Objects


Base Objects

BaseProvider(*args, **kwargs)Base class for a Backend Provider.
BaseBackend(configuration[, provider])Legacy Base class for backends.
BaseJob(backend, job_id)Legacy Class to handle asynchronous jobs

Job Status

JobStatus(value)Class for job status enumerated type.


QiskitBackendNotFoundError(*message)Base class for errors raised while looking for a backend.
BackendPropertyError(*message)Base class for errors raised while looking for a backend property.
JobError(*message)Base class for errors raised by Jobs.
JobTimeoutError(*message)Base class for timeout errors raised by jobs.
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