random_circuit(num_qubits, depth, max_operands=3, measure=False, conditional=False, reset=False, seed=None, *, n_qubits=None)
Generate random circuit of arbitrary size and form.
This function will generate a random circuit by randomly selecting gates from the set of standard gates in qiskit.extensions
. For example:
from qiskit.circuit.random import random_circuit
circ = random_circuit(2, 2, measure=True)

- num_qubits (int) – number of quantum wires
- depth (int) – layers of operations (i.e. critical path length)
- max_operands (int) – maximum operands of each gate (between 1 and 3)
- measure (bool) – if True, measure all qubits at the end
- conditional (bool) – if True, insert middle measurements and conditionals
- reset (bool) – if True, insert middle resets
- seed (int) – sets random seed (optional)
- n_qubits (int) – deprecated, use num_qubits instead
constructed circuit
Return type
CircuitError – when invalid options given
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