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class PauliZExpansion(feature_dimension, depth=2, entangler_map=None, entanglement='full', z_order=2, data_map_func=<function self_product>)


DEPRECATED. The Pauli Z Expansion feature map.

This is a sub-class of the general PauliExpansion but where the pauli string is fixed to only contain Z and where paulis is now created for the superclass as per the given z_order. So with default of 2 this creates [‘Z’, ‘ZZ’] which also happens to be the default of the superclass. A z_order of 3 would be [‘Z’, ‘ZZ’, ‘ZZZ’] and so on.


  • feature_dimension (int) – The number of features
  • depth (int) – The number of repeated circuits. Defaults to 2, has a minimum value of 1.
  • entangler_map (Optional[List[List[int]]]) – Describes the connectivity of qubits, each list in the overall list describes [source, target]. Defaults to None where the map is created as per entanglement parameter. Note that the order in the list is the order of applying the two-qubit gate.
  • entanglement (str) – (‘full’ | ‘linear’), generate the qubit connectivity by a predefined topology. Defaults to full which connects every qubit to each other. Linear connects each qubit to the next.
  • z_order (int) – z order, has a min. value of 1. Creates paulis for superclass based on the z order value, e.g. 3 would result in [‘Z’, ‘ZZ’, ‘ZZZ’] where the paulis contains strings of Z up to length of z_order
  • data_map_func (Callable[[ndarray], float]) – A mapping function for data x which can be supplied to override the default mapping from self_product().



returns feature dimension


returns number of qubits


returns whether or not the sub-class support parameterized circuit



PauliZExpansion.construct_circuit(x, qr=None, inverse=False)

Construct the second order expansion based on given data.


  • x (Union(numpy.ndarray, list[Parameter], ParameterVector)) – 1-D to-be-transformed data.
  • qr (QuantumRegister, optional) – the QuantumRegister object for the circuit, if None, generate new registers with name q.
  • inverse (bool, optional) – whether or not inverse the circuit


a quantum circuit transform data x.

Return type



  • TypeError – invalid input
  • ValueError – invalid input


static PauliZExpansion.get_entangler_map(map_type, num_qubits)

get entangle map


static PauliZExpansion.validate_entangler_map(entangler_map, num_qubits)

validate entangler map

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